15| Girls

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Chapter 15: Girls (Anastasia's POV)

Another three days had passed since the second murder and the fiasco at The Revival, and every time we sat down to lay out all the evidence, we still came up empty-handed. 

The weekend had finally rolled around, and although there was no such thing as a day off in this profession, Marshall insisted otherwise, suggesting I get some rest. 

"Come on, Ana, for the love of God," Rose said in annoyance. 

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as I kept the phone to my ear. "I shouldn't be taking the day off in the first place, Rose," I told her, spinning around to face the kitchen island where I set my mug down. 

"But you did take the day off, and you are home. One night out isn't going to hurt anybody. If anything, it'll be a good break for you; you've been overworking yourself the entire week." 

I threw my head back and let out a sigh. "It's not exactly relaxing to go to a nightclub only to be smothered by the crowd. It's like drowning in... bodily fluids that are more disgusting than we all admit..." My nose scrunched up as I watched Kenji stroll out of the kitchen. 

"I already asked Amara, and she said yes." 

"She did?" I asked skeptically. 

"Well... after I told her you already agreed, she did. But now that she's coming, you won't bail, right? Come on," she pleaded again. 

"What is going on?" I asked her. "You've been wanting to meet all week. Is everything okay?" 

"Let's just say I have a lot to unpack and tell you girls. So...are you in?" 

I paused in thought, resting my elbows on the counter as I sighed in defeat, "Okay. The Dove?" 

"Nine o'clock. I'll see you there." 

Hanging up, I dropped my phone on the counter. 

My one day off, and I can't even catch a break then. 

With the lack of case materials I had access to from home and nothing else that required urgent attention from me, I headed up to my room and stepped in for a shower. 

To be honest, I would have refused to go out tonight if it weren't for the fact that Rose had been wanting to meet the entire week. All three of us had been extremely busy with work, so the timing never sat right, but since there were no urgent matters to attend to tonight, it only felt right to go see her. Something had been feeling off with her for the past few days, and it was starting to worry me too. 

Not to mention, the fucking case resting on my shoulders. The weight of it was slowly starting to grow overwhelming. We'd been investigating for an entire week now, and we made no progress; we weren't any further into the case than we were on the first day. Two people were dead, and we were right back where we started, still at square one. 

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