Chapter 11

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Time: To share nightmares
Place: Living room

Aj was typically seen in the company of Steve, but today was evidently different, as she was firmly tethered to Natasha's side. Natasha wasn't quite sure what prompted this change in behavior, and she was slightly concerned about the girl who hadn't spoke a word all day. Aj had been the picture of sociability over the last few weeks today however she seemed to have reverted back to the timid,quiet girl she had been when she first met the avengers in Sokovia.

The two of them remained perched upon the couch, with one of Natasha's arms wrapped gently around the girl as they watched cartoons on the television. They had seemingly been enjoying a bit of peace and quiet until the sudden arrival of Bucky and Steve, who began to laugh loudly as they entered the room. Aj flinched at the sudden noise, and in doing so, she moved slightly closer to Natasha, seemingly seeking safety and comfort. The woman noticed this instinctively, and she squeezed Aj tightly,

"it's okay it's just Steve and Buck" she reassured the girl.

Bucky and Steve had not noticed the pair on the couch, and they continued their mockery of Sam, who they had left in the dust for being slow and sluggish during todays run. The pair remained in the middle of the room, their conversations causing Aj to flinch once again as the noise level increased.

"You two!"

Natasha scolded the duo making Bucky let out a startled squeal not aware of her presence,

"you guys are being extremely boisterous either calm down or take it somewhere else" she snapped at the pair her eyes silently gesturing towards AJ who had been on edge all day.

It was originally believed by Bucky and Steve that the young girl was merely tired, as she had remained quiet and clingy toward Nat all morning. They had hoped she'd return to a more bubbly personality on their return from the run, but this wasn't the case. Her continued silence and her tendency to stay close to Natasha indicated that something else was up.

"Nat a word"

Steve signaled for her to follow him as he made his way towards the kitchen, determined to get to the bottom of the situation, as he was quite concerned about Aj and her feelings, particularly given her sudden withdrawal from him, which was unlike her usual behavior. He was unsure of whether or not he had done anything wrong, but the girl had remained silent throughout the entirety of the morning, and she was normally the one who awoken him each day and shadowed him. He was missing his little bestie today and wanted to know why she was so on edge.

Natasha observed the visible amount of worry in Aj's face, as the child remained close to her. It was clear that the girl didn't want the woman to leave her side, and the woman sought to offer some words of assurance in response.

"It's okay, you stay here with Buck, I'll be right back," she reassured but AJ panicked more.


I attempt to utter words of pleading to Natasha trying to beg her to stay, but I find myself unable to put my thoughts into words. All I can manage is to remain still, as I focus on the two grown ups exiting the room. I get up to follow her to the kitchen, needing to remain by her side to protect her. Bucky is quick to react, as he pulls me back, staring at me intently with a look of curiosity on his face. He's searching for an answer to his unspoken question, but I can't speak.

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