Chapter 74

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Time: To go home
Place: School

It was a late afternoon, and the school day had come to a close, as students filtered out of the building, Ava- Jay and Liam among them. They were feeling incredibly hyper after their final lesson of PE as they pushed through the group of kids and ran out to the playground.

"Who's picking you up?" Liam asked Aj after he had spotted his mom and little brother waiting for him by the trees.

"My mom I think" Aj shrugged as she scanned the playground for Natasha, Nat was usually stood with Liam's mom but she wasn't today.

Pepper was observing as students poured out of the school, keeping a watchful eye out for her niece. It didn't take long before she spotted Ava-Jay standing in the center of the playground with a friend. With a smile, Pepper walked over, "Hey Avs"

Upon hearing her name being called, both AJ and Liam turned their heads in the direction of the sound, revealing Pepper's presence to them. AJ looked at her aunt in a state of confusion, clearly confused about why her aunt had come to pick her up today. "Auntie Pepper? What are you doing here?"

Pepper chuckled, "Obviously picking you up from school sweetie"

"Ohh where's Mom?"

"She's dealing with something right now, come on let's go, Uncle Tony's waiting for us in the car" Pepper told AJ as she tried to hurry the girl along.

"Okay" AJ nodded at her Aunt before hugging Liam, "bye Dummy"

"Fortnite Later?" Liam questioned,hugging her back.

"Of course" AJ promised before she followed after Pepper.

Tony sat patiently in the car, the window rolled down. A smile spread across his face when he saw Pepper and his niece approach. AJ was gleefully skipping alongside her aunt, eagerly recounting tales from her day.

"Hurry up you two" Tony called out to them as they got closer to the car.

"Be patient" AJ sassed back, climbing into the back seat of the car.

"Hey Dash, How was school?" Tony asked as he started the car and waited for pepper to get in.

"Good, at recess we got to draw on the playground with chalk and we had PE today, we played dodgeball Liam and I tied.
Coach wouldn't let us have a face off because he said that we'd get too aggressive and one of us would end up hurt, he was probably right but me and Liam thought it would've been fun. I definitely would've won but I'll guess we'll never know now" AJ sighed as she sat back in the car.

Once everyone had secured themselves in their seats, Tony started up the car and began driving them back home.

"What a day you've had," Tony remarked, his voice filled with warmth and contentment as he listened to AJ's lively tale. He truly adored listening to the little girl's tales about her time at school, as they were always filled with such energy and enthusiasm, even if he had a terrible day himself he knew he could always rely on his niece to brighten his day with her stories.

Aj hummed in agreement, "tell me about it. So how come you guys picked me up today?" She was curious as to why Natasha hadn't, she always did.

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