Chapter 25

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Time: To cause some trouble
Place: The vents

"Took you long enough"
Kate mumbled as AJ appeared in sight.

"Dude Wanda made cookies
I wasn't gonna miss out plus these vents
are confusing. I got lost a couple of times"
AJ huffed.

"Just a couple or?"

"5 I got lost 5 times"

"Of course you did.Right let's get
this show on the road, did you get them?"

AJ smirked as she pulled out a bag of rubber spiders that she had Sam source for her when he went to the store this morning.

"Brilliant, they're gonna shit their pants"
Kate laughed.

It was a Saturday morning at the compound, Nat and Clint were sent on a quick mission meaning they would be back around noon which meant AJ and Kate had got out of combat training today. Of course the duo had decided that they had to put their energy to good use and decided to invest in a day of pranking. Having planned it out strategically so that they were in the vents meaning they wouldn't be caught, they had a full list of pranks to get through.
The mischievous duo slowly and silently navigated their way through the narrow and tight vents, until they finally managed to find and locate their targets in the vicinity of the kitchen, where both Steve and Thor were playing a game of scrabble. Kate placed her finger upon her lip to signal for AJ to remain silent, and AJ gave a nod in a gesture of understanding, before proceeding to hand over some string and one of the plastic spiders to Kate.

"Scrumptiousible isn't a word Thor"

"Erm yes it is"

"What does it mean then?"

"It's means that something is scrumptious..ible"

"Stop cheating"
Steve scoffed.

"Fine, it's not a word"
Thor grumbled crossing his arms.

"Think of another word that starts with
S and ends in e with 14 letters"

"I don't know..

"Thor that's not enough letters
that also ends in R not E try again
buddy" Steve chuckled at Thors attempts.

"No there's a SPIDER"
Thor screeched as he pointed
just above Steve's head.

"What?" Steve asked as he looked up
spotting the spider, he squealed, jumping
out of his seat. "Thor get it"

"No you get it"

"You're a god, man up!"

"You're captain America YOU MAN UP"
Thor cried as he cowered behind Steve.

Steve yelled as he pushed
Thor in-front of him.

"NO WAY" Thor argued back
as he fled from the kitchen leaving
Steve behind.

Steve called running after Thor leaving their game of scrabble behind.

"Prank number 1 done"
AJ smiled proudly as she held the video camera up towards Kate.

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