Chapter 75

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A/N: A long chapter of some fun party chaos😉

Time: A Stark Party
Place: Avengers compound

It was a Saturday night, and that meant it was party time at the Avengers Compound. Considering the challenging time they had been through, the team had not held any parties since before Christmas. In fact, Tony had cancelled New Year's Eve and several upcoming parties when the girls went missing. However, tonight was a night of celebration. The girls were now home and safe, Steve was healthy and awake, and Tony and Pepper had just announced their joyous news of expecting their first child together. After several difficult months, the team was finally experiencing some light after the darkness.

Steve and Natasha meandered through the party, engaging in friendly conversations with various executives and agents from Shield, simply catching up and making small talk. Steve wasn't fond of mingling, he just wanted to go and find Bucky and Sam so they could play pool for the rest of the night but Natasha was forcing him to be social.

"Good to see you up and well Steve" Maria Hill gave him a small nod as she sipped her champagne.

"Thanks Hill" Steve gave her a polite smile.

Natasha let out a little chuckle as she observed Steve, her piercing eyes seeing right through his facade. She knew he was secretly longing to escape the social butterfly act and find Bucky and Sam to play some pool. She looked at him with a knowing smile,"You know, you can go ahead and find Buck and Sam now. I can tell you're dying to get out of here."

Steve couldn't contain his relief as he exhaled,"Thank God for that!" he exclaimed with playful sarcasm. He shot Maria a polite nod of acknowledgment before turning back to Natasha with a smirk, "I'll see you in a little while, try not to get too drunk on the champagne" he quipped before giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek and hurrying off to find Sam and Bucky.

"He's a sweetheart" Maria smiled and let out a warm chuckle as Natasha took a seat beside her, both of them watching as Steve made his way through the crowd. Maria couldn't help but feel happy for the couple, thinking that they were an ideal match. She had always been rooting for them since the beginning, even though she thought it might not happen at times, but now here they were, blissfully in love with two daughters.

"Yes, he is, but only when he feels like it," Nat responded with a hint of playfulness in her voice. However, she knew that deep down beneath his tough exterior and sometimes sarcastic demeanor, Steve was a true gentleman through and through, and she loved him all the more for it.

"Drink?" Maria asked, offering Nat a filled champagne glass.

"Of course"

Tommy, Wanda, Peter, and Kate had stealthily made their way to a secluded corner of the room, attempting to stay hidden among the party goers. The four teenagers had managed to covertly obtain some alcohol from the bar, and they were now trying to keep a low profile in hopes to avoid the Avengers.

"Woah easy buddy, that's vodka. You sure you wanna drink that straight?" Kate asked Peter.

"Can't be that bad" Peter muttered as he unscrewed the cap off the bottle of vodka and took a gulp of the potent beverage directly from the bottle. Immediately, his eyes widened and he began coughing, the strong alcohol searing his throat as he desperately tried to catch his breath.

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