Chapter 18

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Time: to talk
Place: anywhere there's
peace and quiet

The four of them maintained a silence as Nat lead them about 5 minutes away to a spot she claimed where they could get some peace and quiet to talk. They eventually arrived at a nearby dock beside a tranquil river that shimmered and danced with the light reflecting off of the sky that bursted with the prettiest shades of pink and orange as the sun set.

Nat took a seat on the grass nodding her head for the others to join her which they did.

"Steve, Natasha I'm so sorry I didn't mean to call you guys that. It just slipped out" AJ tried to justify,she really didn't want them to be mad. "Please just don't get rid of us, we like it with you guys. It's ok if you don't wanna be our parents. I shouldn't have called you guys that" She started to ramble.

"Woah, hey chill kiddo" Steve put his hand on AJs shoulder trying to calm her but the kid was tense.

"We're not mad AJ I promise.
It's okay, you don't need to worry
We would never get rid of you guys
You're stuck with us wether you like
It or not" Nat smiled.

Both Wanda and AJ appeared to calm down at Nats words, their tense and worried expressions becoming considerably more relaxed. They could breathe now.
Despite the girls' relaxed expressions and newfound sense of calm, AJ still felt somewhat awkward for calling them mom and dad- of course that reflected how she viewed them but she was still beating herself up for saying it.

"We're not mad that you called us Mom and Dad,Av if anything you made my day better"
Steve spoke truthfully, knowing that's what was on AJs mind.

"Better? Really"
The girl frowned at his words, for some reason she couldn't understand why that would make Steve's day better.

"For a long time I had left the thought of having my own family in the 40s until you two showed up. You guys have given me a chance to step up, you guys have become my daughters and in doing so you've bought Tasha and I together"

Steve smiled warmly at AJ and Wanda, his eyes truthful and kind. He meant every word he was saying. Despite only knowing the girls for a span of 4 months, the relationships between Nat,Steve and the girls had been somewhat abrupt in its onset, the bonds which had been created over this period of time were certainly not superficial and shallow in nature, or of a trivial and insignificant kind. The family, even in this relatively short period of time, had developed tight bonds. It was something deeply meaningful. They couldn't imagine life without one and other.

"You mean that?"
Wanda asked.

"Of course he does Wands. I agree with him
I never thought a family was on the cards for me but now that's all changed. I love you girls so so much." Nat spoke from the heart,Something she'd done a lot the last few days.

"So you don't mind if we call
you mom and dad?" Wanda asked.

"You can call us mom and dad or not there's no pressure what so over. You call us what you want" Nat told her.

"Anything? In that case, Steve's new name is Adolf titler and Your new name is leprechaun" AJ smirked, her uncle Tony had been teaching her the art of gifting people
nicknames, he had been teaching her well.

Nat let out a little chuckle upon hearing AJ's response,Steve just shook his head In disbelief taking a mental note to lecture Tony later.

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