Chapter 70

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Wanda had spent the morning quietly sketching away in her notebook from the comfort of her bedroom, her thoughts filled with doodles and drawings rather than the other things that had been on her mind recently.

However the abrupt crashing off her bedroom door interrupted her peace.
Wanda was about to yell at whoever had just stormed into her room but the sight of her little sister's condition stopped Wanda in her tracks.

AJ's breathing was quick and shallow, her face was pale and her hands were trembling.

"What happened?" Wanda questioned.

"I saw something" Aj whispered closing Wanda's bedroom door.

"It happened again?" Wanda questioned referring to Aj's precognition powers, Aj nodded. "What did you see?"

"You're the only one that can save him Wanda"

"Save who?"

"Dad, he's lost Wanda. He's trying so hard to get back to us, he's fighting it but he can't do it alone. He needs your help"

"Tell me exactly what you saw"


Later that night, once everyone had gone to sleep, Wanda and AJ made their way downstairs sneaking off to the hospital wing, trying to remain as quiet as they could in order to avoid waking up the others.

Once they had entered Steve's room, Wanda used her powers to lock the door to ensure they'd be undisturbed for as long as they needed while they dealt with the situation.
She then turned her attention to her little sister, "you're sure about this?"

AJ nodded, "If we don't do this now, tomorrow morning he won't be here anymore. This is all we've got"

Wanda inhaled a sharp breath, the pressure starting to get to her. This was all on her, if she couldn't help her dad he would be gone for good.

"You can do it Wands, I saw it with my own eyes" AJ could tell Wanda was nervous.

"I know" Wanda gave AJ a small smile before walking over to Steve, "I need you to stay really quiet Avs so I can concentrate, just stay by the door and make sure nobody tries to get in" Wanda ordered.

"Got it" Aj replied, shuffling over to the door.

Wanda stood at Steve's side,observing his frail state, his condition was worsening. She took a deep breath as she closed her eyes, her hand hovering above her father's head, immediately she could feel her powers beginning to flow as a scarlet hue radiated of her hand.

Wanda had done this several times before but that was only when her subjects were conscious and she could interact with them directly. This was something different, a situation where the individual she was trying to reach was unconscious and unable to communicate back with her. This was unexplored territory for her and she had to admit it was slightly intimidating.

When Wanda entered Steve's mind she was met with darkness. The young witch could sense she was in her father's subconscious realm but there was nothing to really see, just a black void surrounding her. Wanda began to desperately search for Steve, straining her mind as she tried to reach out for him.

"Dad?" Wanda's voice echoed through the dark realm, her voice carrying across the vast expanse of nothingness that engulfed her.

Wanda's strength was put to the test as she pushed herself to delve deeper into Steve's mind.

"Come on I know you're here somewhere, you've got to listen to my voice" Wanda called out hoping to get a breakthrough.

Meanwhile AJ sat anxiously by the door, watching the entire ordeal, growing more and more concerned, praying Wanda could do it.

Wanda ventured deeper into Steve's mind, her senses sharpening when she heard something, a faint trace of sound. She followed it in hope it would lead her to her father or at least something that would suggest he was still there.

As Wanda grew closer to the noise, Wanda recognized the voices, it was her own as well as her moms and sisters, she had found Steve's most precious memory, it was the day the girls had called Nat and Steve, mom and dad for the first time. Wanda had reached the inner sanctum of Steve's subconscious, this was the deepest she had ever been in somebody's mind but she had to keep going,if Steve was going to be anywhere it was here, surrounded by the comfort of his favorite moments.

Wanda found herself surrounded by a flurry of voices, all of them from different memories and times in Steve's life.

"Dad?" Wanda yelled out again, her tone more desperate than before. When she didn't get a reply, Wanda's hope started to slip away, the reality of the situation setting in, the fear she had been avoiding finally starting to creep in on her. He was gone.

She was at the brink of giving up.

"Wands?" A voice cut through the darkness causing Wanda to perk up immediately.

Wanda gasped, "Dad?"

"Yeah kiddo it's me"

Hearings Steve's voice lifted Wanda's spirits
as she felt a surge of adrenaline course through her body as though she had been revived from the brink of defeat.

"Oh my god" Wanda sighed relief.

"Where are we?" Steve asked.

"Your subconscious. Dad you've got to wake up right now"

"I can't Wanda I've tried" Steve said honestly, he had heard his family talk to him the last few weeks and had tried to pull through but he just wasn't strong enough.

"You didn't have me before,I'm going to guide you back but you have to follow my voice"

Steve was fighting to regain consciousness, to push out of the darkness that was trying to take over him and return back to the real world. He tried his best to follow Wanda's voice back to reality, back to the present, and to the state of being in which he could see his daughters, hug them and assure them everything was going to be okay. That was the only thing keeping him going, his need to see his daughters.

"I'm slipping away" Wanda's voice sounded weak as she uttered her words, she had used so much power that exhaustion was starting to set in. She knew it would only be a couple of seconds before she was yanked back to reality and Steve would have to do it alone.


Wanda cut her dad off,
"You can do it, I know you can. Just know that Aj and I will be right by your side waiting"

Wanda was pulled back to reality, her knees buckling causing her to fall to the floor as she found herself out of Steve's mind and back in the hospital room.

AJ raced over to Wanda's side, "you good?
Did it work?" She questioned.

Wanda slowly stood up, attempting to regain her composure, "I don't know Avs. I found him but I didn't have time to pull him all the way out, it's down to him"


A/N: Is Steve coming back or am I just getting your hopes up? 🤭😉

Thank you for reading🫡

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