Chapter 21

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Time:To party
Place: compound

Nat had indeed managed to negotiate the night off from her usual role as the bartender, parties weren't really her scene so she never usually minded working the bar (she always still had fun) but she had her daughters to think about as well now.

Nat, Laura and Maria decided that tonight would be dedicated to three of them catching up, of course Natasha still saw  Laura regularly but since her retirement almost 10 years ago, Maria had only seen Laura a handful of times. It was nice to get there old group back together even if it was for one night only.

"How the hell has stark managed to persuade Barnes to work the bar?"

Maria chuckled as she walked back over to her friends who had found a Cosy corner with small couches to chill at tonight. It was just by one of the balcony doors so there was a small breeze when it was opened and closed but other then that it was a good place for the three ladies to chit chat.
Maria handed Nat a martini, as well as Laura a glass of champagne, before taking her own place and settling herself in-between them with a bottle of beer in her hand.

"Oh yeah Tony has dirt on Buck apparently
He knows who he's got a crush on. The agreement is Tony doesn't tell anyone if buck works the bar" Nat told the two.

"So Barnes is being blackmailed "

"Pretty much"

Nat shrugged it was a regular occurrence in her household, Stark winding up Bucky or Steve.

"Who does he like? It's about time
he started dating" Laura said she had only
met him properly last month when he came
to stay for 4th week, but she thought he was
lovely and deserved a lot of good.

"I don't know. I've set my 9 year old
the mission of finding out who it is"
Nat told them, she wanted to know too,
Buck was like her brother, she needed to make sure he was going for the right

Nat was aware of the influence both her daughters had over there uncle Bucky, they were his weakness, if anyone was gonna find out who the man was crushing on it was one of them. Of course Wanda would of felt bad manipulating her uncle but AJ, that kid had no remorse. Nat had offered her candy as a prize for finding out who it was and the 9 year old was immediately down.

"Why won't you just tell me?"
Aj huffed as she sat on the countertop
of the bar watching Buck make drinks.

"Because he's lying I don't
like anyone Av"

Buck told the girl as he continued to make drinks for the two guys at the bar. He poured their beers and handed them over.

"Go and Play"

He told AJ as he lifted her up of the counter and put her feet on the ground. However AJ was not quitting, she climbed up one of the bar stools taking a seat, she was now face to face with her uncle. She looked him in the eyes.

"Tell me who it is James"

"Ava Jay, leave me alone"

"Why won't you just tell me?
Don't you trust me?" She guilt tripped.

"Of course I trust you Av"

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