Chapter 65

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Time: To take that step
Place: Hospital Wing

After school was over, Kate and Peter paid a visit to the compound, organizing a training session for themselves, Wanda and Tommy. The group of teens gave Aj the option to join them but the girl declined not really feeling up for it today. She decided to go along and watch the training session.

Aj was observing the teens as they played around with their powers and engaged in playful sparring however her gaze kept straying to the bench across the room where Steve's shield was sat, abandoned and neglected. Her mind kept drifting back to that day and the part she had played in it all. Aj couldn't take the guilt anymore, she also couldn't bear the thought of not seeing him for any longer.

Aj slipped out of the training room before carrying herself down the hall and to the hospital wing.

Aj approached Steve's room, surprised to see the that the door was open. She slowly inched further towards it, peering inside, when she caught a glimpse of him, the girl felt her heart dropping. When her sister had been to visit, Wanda had told Aj that their dad didn't look in a good shape but Aj didn't anticipate it to be so bad.

The girl sighed as she leaned on the doorway, her eyes glued to her father as she examined the various wires and cables connected to him. He looked so helpless.

During her time in the red room, Aj had missed all of her family deeply, but if she had to pinpoint the one she missed the most, she would have undoubtedly picked Steve. The first few weeks she spent there,he became the one she cried for, the girl simply just wanted her dad, not Jonah, she wanted her real dad, the one that had chosen to take the role up, the one that had showed her what a true father should be, the one who had given her nothing but his unconditional love and support. And when faced with the harsh truth that she was the reason for his current state, under mind control or not, it caused her hurt and torment that she had never felt before.

Aj flinched when she felt someone brush past her and walk into the room, only to feel somewhat relieved when she realized it was just Bruce.

"Sorry Ava, didn't mean to scare you kid.
I'm just here to check your dad's vitals" Bruce told the girl as he walked over to the monitors. Aj watched as he did, slightly intrigued by all the machines. "You know you can come in right? you don't have to float in the doorway" Bruce said as he finished checking the monitors and scribbled a few things down on his notepad.

Ava Jay gave him a small nod as she took a step inside the room.

"Well I've checked his vitals, I'll be back in an hour to check them again. You're welcome to stay as long as you want kiddo" Bruce told Aj as he headed towards the door.

The 9 year old remained awkwardly still, not quite knowing what to do, as she stood in front of Steve's bed. Bruce couldn't help but notice her unease, feeling a sense of pity as he realized just how difficult being down here was for her.

Bruce exited the room, a second later walking back in with a chair, placing it beside Steve's bed. "You can sit here" Bruce offered Aj.

"Thanks" Aj whispered,walking over and taking a seat.

"The others usually sit here and talk to him" Bruce informed her, Aj furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Why? Can he hear us?"

"We don't know. But it isn't uncommon for people in Comas to be able to hear the world around them. Personally I think he can hear us"


"Talk to him kiddo, I'm sure he's missed your voice. He's definitely sick of your Uncle Tony's voice" Bruce smiled before walking out of the room.


Aj was hesitant at first to talk to Steve, it felt stupid considering she wasn't even sure if he could hear her but that concern quickly faded. And after a few minutes she worked up the courage to speak to him, starting of the conversation by repeatedly apologizing, telling him how much she had missed him while she had been gone and how much she regretted what she done.

After a couple of tears and many apologizing, the 9 year old thought that if Steve could really hear her, then listening to her blame herself for what happened would upset him. And she didn't want that. So she decided to change the conversation, filling Steve in on her last few days about how she didn't like therapy at first but felt better afterwards; how Bucky bought her tons of ice cream that she actually threw up; how Tony watched Frozen 1&2 with her the other night; how she got to see her friends earlier today; how she was going to go back to soccer tomorrow, she even told Steve about her bet with Yelena.

"So I think Kate and Tommy have chemistry, they argue like they hate each other but I swear to Odin they look at each other the way you and mama used to before you asked her to be your girlfriend ...but Yelena thinks I'm wrong and that Kate is actually gay, I didn't know what that meant, I still don't really but Lena says that Uncle Bucky and Sammy are gay lovers but when I asked them about it they got all defensive so I think Lena might be wrong. Anyways we have a bet, if by the end of the year Tommy and Kate end up together Lena has to give me 50 bucks but if they don't and Kate comes out as gay then I have to give Lena my Xbox for four months. I'm not worried though, I know I'm gonna win" Aj filled her dad in on the situation, she hoped he'd wake up soon purely so she could ask him if he thought Sam and Bucky where gay lovers.

Less apprehensive to speak now, Aj continued to ramble to her dad about everything that had been going on deciding to purely only tell him the good things, only stopping the conversation when she felt a familiar presence in the door way. She looked over to them.

"Hi" Aj spoke softly.

"Hey Firefly, how's it going?" Thor smiled remaining in the door way.

AJ had missed Thor, he had spent the last two weeks with Clint, needing a break from it all. "It's been Up and down I guess. What about you?"

Thor sighed, "same here kid"

"You can come in you know?" Aj pointed out as Thor continued to linger in the door way.

"Oh no it's okay. I was just stopping by quickly, I don't want to interrupt your time with your father" Thor gave the girl one last smile before turning back the way he had come.

Aj jumped out of her seat to go after him,
"Uncle Thor"

Thor hummed a yes as he stopped walking.

"Don't go. Please stay, we could use your company, we've missed you" Aj spoke for her and her dad.

"Alright I'll stay for a while"


A/N: Thank you for reading 🫡

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