Chapter 13

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Time: to relax
Place: the Barron farm

It was now a few days prior to the Fourth of July, and some of the Avengers had come together for a celebratory gathering at Clint Barton's rural ranch, where everyone could enjoy the long weekend away from the stresses and obligations of their regular lives, with the children always entertained and the area being private and secluded, they were ensured a fairly peaceful weekend.

This morning, Clint and Tony had elected to take Wanda, Lila, and Cooper out onto the farmlands, allowing the trio to gain some hands-on experience with driving a tractor. Meanwhile, Bucky and Steve had been charged with the task of entertaining the two 9 year olds, who decided they wanted to go for a stroll around the farm to see the animals. Natasha was sure the guys were going to be kept on their toes, AJ and Nate were the most high maintenance Children she knew.
This left Natasha, Pepper, and Laura some time to unwind and catch up, taking advantage of the warm summer weather and enjoying a few drinks while sunbathing on the front porch.

"How's the Mom life?"

"I've come to the conclusion that having kids is surprisingly harder then being an Avenger, I don't know how you do it "

Natasha had to be honest, it hadn't all come
To her as easy as she thought it would've. She definitely had a new found respect for her friend who had been doing this for 16 years.

"Welcome to the club"

The ladies catch up started of on the topic of The girls and how Natasha had been finding the last two months. However it seemed that the discussion had progressed to the point of it now being a bit of a QandA session with regards to her potential feelings for Steve. This wasn't a topic out of the norm, Pepper and Laura were often on her case about this.

"Nat he's your Baby daddy
surly that means something"

Laura teases and Natasha finds herself rolling her eyes yet again.

"Why won't you guys just let it go!
Steve and I are friends"

"You two are so frustrating, You like him!
He likes you!"

Pepper had been staying at the Avengers compound for a number of weeks, and she had come to witness the subtle signs that Steve and Nat had feelings for each other.

She had witnessed the manner in which those two would gaze at one another, the delicate tenderness of the way in which Steve spoke to Nat, and how she in turn would soften when in his presence. They seemed so very much into one another, but somehow they remained oblivious to this fact.

"How has he been
finding things?"

Laura asked changing the conversation a little but still keeping on the topic of Steve.

"Like I had expected,he's so great with the girls. First day Aj was really closed off but he got her to trust us and open up within hours. He's kept me sane, honestly he's just been amazing. It's all just come really naturally to him"

"Typical Steve good at everything that man.
I love when he comes over because he completes all the maintenance work I've been begging Clint to do for months in a day"

Steve was the golden boy, Laura and Pepper sometimes wished their significant others would take a few leafs out of their friends book. In their opinion Nat had a keeper right in front of her.

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