Chapter 24

924 32 31

Time: For school
Place: Hell

The first day jitters had gotten to Wanda,she couldn't even bring herself to eat breakfast this morning. Wanda didn't get it a few months ago she had fought in the ultron battle,she wasn't scared then but now she was going to school like every other kid yet she was terrified.

"Right here you go,
you gonna be okay?"

Wanda just nodded and smiled at Nats question,she knew If she spoke the shake in her voice would give away the fact that she was nervous. Unbeknownst to Wanda her quietness and her bouncy knee the whole car journey had given it away already.

"It's ok to be scared on your first day Wands" Nat spoke softly.

"I'm not. I'm good"

"Alright Happys gonna pick you and Peter up at 3 okay"

"You mean grumpy"


Nat chuckled at the name,
Peter and Wanda had adopted for Happy.
The two teens knew how to wind the man up.

"Have a good day Wanda,
Text me if you need anything"

"I will"


"You gonna be okay kiddo"

"Uncle Tony I'll be fine"

"Alright. Remember no-"

"Powers at school,I know"

"Just making sure"

Steve had intended to take Aj to school on her first day however him and Buck were called on a mission this morning so he wasn't able to. Tony volunteered to take her,he didn't mind of course. Despite the natural fears and worries of entering into such a new, unfamiliar environment, Aj was pretty calm about her first day. She had Liam,who was also new, so she wasn't the only one.



AJ said her goodbyes to her uncle before running across the playground to Liam.
Tony watched the duo from a distance as they entered the school safely. He took a mental note to keep an eye on the Liam kid in the future,he was gonna make sure the boy knew he was JUST friends with his niece and nothing more.

The morning flew by quickly,Aj had endured what she had decided was worse then her time at hydra (MATHS) and English which she actually enjoyed Miss B had tasked the class to right a poem using rhyming about one of her family members of course she chose her uncle Thor and she couldn't wait to read it to him later. Lunchtime soon rolled and the duo (Aj and Liam who had now decided they were best friends) also acquired two extra companions, Leah and Harrison. The four of them were enjoying a game of catch when some 4th grader boy stole their ball.

"I'll get it back" Liam
told the group as he started
To head over to the group of 4th
graders that were now playing with their

"No you can't! That's Ronnie Fryer
he's the toughest boy in 4th grade
nobody messes with him. He beat up
a 5th grader last year" Leah told him.

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