Chapter 17

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The evening sky was illuminated by the various attractions around them, the flashing of neon lights and colorful bulbs flooding the area. The sounds of laughter and the music of the surrounding games and rides permeated the atmosphere. The night was perfect. The family had ounces of fun.

Despite the vom earlier, Wanda quickly recovered and went on more rides she actually did end up loving it just like Steve had said. However Steve wasn't loving it as much as he used to neither were Nat and Clint, after 5 or so rides they were done. They opted to just waiting for the teens rather then going on the rest of the rides with them.

Bucky had grown bored and In dyer need of entertainment he decided to take AJ in the mirror maze, it certainly didn't disappoint.
Buck had watched the girl run into mirrors multiple times.

"You're gonna have a concussion"
Bucky laughed as the pair exited
the maze.

"I'm good,
I have a strong head"

"When Nat calls you strong headed
that's not quite what she means Av"

"I'm pretty sure it is. Oooo Bumper
carts let's do them"

AJ grabbed Buckys hand and began to drag him through the crowd.

"Slow down there's
a lot of people" Bucky warned.

Ava Jay seemed highly focused in her quest to the bumper carts, that she hadn't even noticed Bucks hand slip from hers. She began to scan the area with a keen eye, searching for any sight of the man but she couldn't.

"Why am I always loosing
someone,yesterday Steve and Nat
now Bucky too" she mumbled to herself as she started to walk back the way she had come.

Nate and Laura had said they were staying at the ice cream truck until Buck and Aj came back so AJ figured she could just make her way back there. However the crowd had grown,it was not an easy task for the young girl to navigate her way back towards the designated picnic area when she couldn't see a thing other then the people around her.

AJ had remained pretty calm however she was starting to grow a little panicked. She just needed to find one of her family members, it didn't matter which one.


Bucky was becoming frantic in his search and had sprinted back to the picnic table in an attempt to alert Laura that he had Lost Aj. Laura agreed to remain seated at their designated picnic bench, in the event that the girl returned, while Bucky then attempted to continue his hunt pushing through the crowd.

"Tony" Buck yelled as he caught
glimpse of the man and pepper
Who were getting churros.

He ran over to the duo quickly, wasting no time. Tony took in the state of his friend and put two and two together.

"I know that look. You've lost a Child,
which one did you loose?"
Tony furrowed his brow.


"Ok it could be worse, it could of
been Nate. That boy has zero brain cells
he would of had no hope but AJ she's gotta
a couple of brain cells that's good"

Pepper swatted the back of her husbands head as she scolded him.

"Nows not the time to make jokes
our Neice is all alone in a busy place
with a dozen of strangers"

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