Chapter 12

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Time: school work🥲
Place:the kitchen counter

It was a hot summer day, the last day of June meaning the girls were just over two months into their stay at there new home although to them it felt this had been their home for years ,the sun shone brightly it was the perfect weather for playing outside yet Aj had somehow found herself up at the kitchen counter between Pepper and Tony while Nat did the washing up.

Steve and Nat were well aware of the fact that the girls had a lot of school work to do, if they were going to be prepared to attend regular, full-time school in the fall like they had planned for them to. Wanda found the curriculum to be a breeze, with her easily mastering elementary and middle school material, the girl appeared to have a natural ability to learn at a faster pace. Tony had volunteered to be her tutor, and he was impressed by her sharp intellect and her eagerness to learn throughout his lessons. She was already covering high school material and she was going into her last year of middle. The 14 year old was going to excel Tony knew it. On the other hand Aj certainly seemed to fit the "jock mindset" that Steve referred to. She quickly mastered sports such as soccer and basketball, he was impressed by her physical prowess in these competitive fields especially at such a young age, kids nowhere days were into Video-games and iPads but AJ would much rather be outside beating Steve in 1 vs 1s in every sport possible . However, she seemed somewhat less adept at mastering academic lessons especially Maths, she hated maths. The girl was so quick to pick up a combat and fighting combination in training but give her a maths equation and she was stumped. School wasn't for everyone however what annoyed Nat was how quick AJ would give up when she didn't understand a question.

"I wanna kill myself" the little girl groaned causing Tony too stifle a laugh.

"Don't say things like that" Natasha scolds but the 9 year old hangs her hands up in surrender.

"I'm just saying this is making me want to jump head first into the ocean. Spoiler alert I can't swim" Aj tells her.

Tony burst into laughter, his whole body shaking with the humorous outburst. He choked on the water he had just been drinking, unable to contain himself, as tears streamed down his face. Natasha glared at him,while Pepper swatted the back of his head, indicating her disapproval of his behavior.

"Don't encourage that" Natasha told him through gritted teeth.

"Sweetheart you know if you're struggling you can ask for help?" Pepper reasons with Aj.

"By help she means with the school work she's not qualified to be a therapist" Tony cackles proud of his joke's correlation to Ajs previous one.

"It's no use asking for help because I just don't get it. I'm an idiot" the girl sighs.

"No you're not. You're very clever my love" Natasha tells the girl.

"I'm literally the only 9 year old ever that can't read or workout numbers" Aj cried frustratedly.

Natasha's POV:

I let out a quiet sigh as Aj starts to cry this has been a regular occurrence. It was summer break now but in September the girl will have to go to school like a normal kid. Neither Aj or Wanda have gone to school or studied academically so Steve and I have been trying to catch the girls up so they don't struggle when they go.

Surprisingly enough Wanda's caught up exceptionally well it's definitely helped having Tony around-the last 3 weeks him and pepper have been living here as their kitchen is being renovated- Tony practically wizzed through all topics from elementary level to start of high school with Wanda.

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