Chapter 37

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A/N: Slight trigger warning,
mentions of SA.
Sorry guys, I promise things
will get better for the girls.


Wanda sat herself up, using the wall as a source of support,as she groaned in pain. After her meeting with Dreykov a guard had come so escort her back to her shared room with Tommy, but at the time she had been so overwhelmed by everything Dreykov had told her, she lashed out at the guard. Wanda had never before displayed a propensity for violence, as it was quite out of line with her usual character. However, after the immense amount of emotional pain she had endured her mind seemed to be in quite a vulnerable state, she felt nothing but anger and pure rage, with her actions feeling completely out of her control.

Lashing out at a guard didn't go unpunished in this place. The people here were cruel and sick. Wanda had been confined in an isolated cell by herself not that she had been completely by herself, guards had been in and out. With Wanda being seperated from Tommy and being on her own, she had been left more vulnerable then ever, a situation which the male guards had absolutely taken advantage of, in one of the worst ways possible. When the first guard came in, an hour after She had been thrown into the small cell, the girl had prepared herself for a beating, it wasn't something she was a stranger too, it was the same as Hydra, step out of line and they beat the crap out of you. What Wanda didn't prepare herself for was the worse that could happen. The male guards had taken this as an opportunity to use the 14 year old girl, in sick ways.

Wanda had felt completely disgusted and ashamed of what had happened, she had wept uncontrollably afterwards for hours, until it had got to the point where she couldn't cry anymore. She couldn't cry because she felt nothing, she had reached the point where she was completely numb.

Wanda was spaced out, her state of mind having been completely drowned by pain and suffering however, she did find herself being pulled back into reality by the sudden sound of crying, as she realized that it definitely was not coming from herself, but rather someone else. It was coming from the cell next door. She listened closer to the cry,
she knew that cry, she had comforted that cry on many occasions. Wanda jumped up, regretting it as a sharp pain coursed through her limbs, she dragged herself over to the other side of the room where there was a small vent.

"AJ?" she asked,
a part of her wanted it to be her sister but
equally she didn't, this part of the red room
was used solely to punish people, the thought of Aj being here made Wanda feel


Aj hurt every where, she was battered and bruised yet it was not the pain of her many bruises and cuts that was making her bawl her eyes out but rather her loneliness. The 9 year old chocked on her crys as she tried to quiet them down. The guards had heard her crying last night which had resulted in an encounter which had left AJ with what she was sure was fractured ribs.

This place was worse then Hydra. She had nothing left, Steve and Nat weren't coming to find her. Jonah had made it very clear to the girl that her so called parents didn't want her. At first AJ was in denial, Nat and Steve loved her she knew they were going to save her. But as time went on and hope got crushed the 9 year old had come to the realization that they weren't coming and she couldn't blame them. She was a lost course, a burden,they didn't want her and she had excepted it.


when the girl heard someone calling her name, she became quite startled, as she looked around the room, trying to get a good visual of her surroundings, however, there was nobody present besides herself within the tiny cell. She was about to come to the conclusion that she was just going crazy when she came to the realization of who the voice belonged to and where it had come from. She looked up at the vent above her head.

She asked quietly.

She heard her sister gasp from the other side of the wall.

"Omg Av! Are you okay?I miss you so much"
Wanda's voice cracked slightly.

"I've missed you so much more"
AJ sobbed, she wanted nothing more
then to hug her big sister, they had been
separated for far too long.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I'm here now
You're gonna be fine"
Wanda reassured her.

"No I'm not. We're not fine Wanda
This place is awful"

"Shh I know, keep your voice down.
Are you hurt?"


"Don't lie to me"

"I'm fine but you're not. What did they do to you Wanda?"AJ was hurt but she'd survive, her biggest concern was Wanda. She had
heard screaming and yelling from the
cell next door last night but she was too out of it to realize who them screams had belonged to.

"I'm alright Av. What's hurt? Are you bleeding? Any open Wounds?"
Wanda asked concerned.

"What did they do to you Wands?"
Aj asked once more.

"Nothing I -"

Aj cut Wanda off, "I heard you screaming
last night Wands" she spoke softly.

"It's nothing I can't handle. You don't need to worry about me"

"They didn't want us Wanda"
AJ told her sister as she began
to sob again.

Wanda's heart broke as she heard her little sisters cries. She knew how she felt, Wanda felt it too. The betrayal, the hurt, the hatred, the anger. The people that had promised them better lives had just given up on them. Wanda wasn't sure what Aj had been told or if she had any knowledge of Nats agreement with Dreykov, so she didn't mention it.

"Av it's okay we don't need them. We're fine on our own. Look I'm trying to get us out of here, you've just got to give me some time okay?" Wanda reassured her sister.

"I don't want just us, I want them too.
I want our family back" AJ sniffled,
"I miss them"

Wanda sighed, "I know, I do to"

"It's not fair Wanda"

"It's not"

It wasn't. None of this was fair. No child deserved to grow up this way yet the two of them always found themselves in an endless cycle of torture.

The girls had cried far too many tears, Wanda ended up changing the conversation to something more lighthearted to distract their minds from this place even if it was just for a little while. The two of them had laughed and joked while reminiscing on the few good memories they had from sokovia.
However the conversation soon reverted back to the red room although the discussion wasn't at all negative. AJ had been telling Wanda about the other widows,
Lyza and Vic who she actually got a long with pretty well.

"But then there's Yelena,
She's not as nice, I don't
think I've ever even seen
her smile" AJ giggled, Lyza
always teased Yelena for being
So grumpy.

"Yelena?" Wanda repeated,
she'd heard that name before.

"Yeah she was the one that took us"

AJs reply made it all click for Wanda,
Yelena. Yelena was Natasha's sister.
Yet again things just grew more complicated as Wanda's mind filled with more questions.
Did Yelena know who the girls were?
Did Yelena even remember her sister?
Was she actually working with Nat and Dreykov all this time? Had Nat even made a deal with Dreykov or was it all a hoax? Wanda ruled that last question out, it couldn't be a hoax, she had seen the proof.

A/N: The poor girls🥲💔
on the upside of things Aj and Wanda finally got reunited.
Thank you for reading guys🫡

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