Chapter 39

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Time: To meet the "Boss"
Place: The red room

AJ, had finally completed all of the ballet training with Madame B, it had been an intensive few weeks of training, sometimes the girls ballet days lasted as long as 12 hours. Ava Jays body felt tortured as she was certainly feeling the strain on her body from the long training sessions, Madame B had pushed the girl through 7 grades of ballet in just under a month. It was a lot for a 9 year old but Aj was glad she didn't have to do ballet anymore.

Unfortunately for Aj what came after the ballet training was much worse. The next level of widow training was fire arms. Despite the fact that Aj knew how to use a gun quite well, the problem was that she had not been trained in actually using one against a real person, rather just against targets.

"Pull the trigger!" Madame B ordered.

She had bought in a young boy around the same age as AJ as the target for todays lesson. But AJ wasn't ruthless or cold hearted, she had never been, she wasn't going to shoot him. She couldn't. She had never shot anyone before.

"You're Weak" Madame B growled with

"I'm not weak! I'm just not heartless"
Aj argued back.

"Take the shot" Madame B demanded

AJ felt bad for the boy, who had been tied to a chair in the middle of the room, he had been waiting in anticipation for the girl to shoot him, shaking in fear as he begged Aj not to kill him.

"I won't" Aj stood her ground.

"It's either him or it's Clint Barton's son"
Madame B spoke harshly.

Ajs heart dropped, did she mean Nate?
They were going to hurt Nate?

"W-What?" Aj stuttered.

"If you don't pull the trigger on this boy
I will send someone to do what you couldn't. They won't hesitate to kill Nathaniel Barton" Madame B threatened.

Aj felt conflicted she didn't want to kill this innocent boy but she couldn't let her cousin die. Her and Nate were close, she didn't want to be the one to put him danger.

"Do it Aj"

AJ's mind was running as she raised up the gun, her hand shaking terribly, she could hear Steve's voice in her head telling her not to give in and that she was better than this. However, the fact remains that if she listened to him and stood her ground by refusing to pull the trigger, Nate would end up paying the ultimate price for her cowardice. As the little girl was left with no other choice, she closed her eyes and pulled the trigger, flinching at the sound.

"Open your eyes" Madame told the girl.

Aj shook her head in refusal,she couldn't.
She didn't want to see the boys now limp body. She felt sick.

"I think it's about time you meet
Dreykov. Maybe he can get you
to comply"


Aj was left shocked from what she had been forced to do, with her having grown quite pale from the encounter, her heart beating so fast that it seemed to almost beat right out of her chest. She had been too out of it to even realize that she had been taken out of the training room and escorted to an office, she had only come to her senses when she felt a hand stroke her cheek,

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