Chapter 87

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Time: To see the favorite uncles
Place: Avengers compound

The clock ticked just past 4:30 when Wanda returned home after school. She sauntered into the kitchen, her mind set on grabbing a snack. Seeing her uncle Bucky sitting on one of the bar stools, she greeted him with a casual, "Hey."
She then proceeded to grab a packet of cookies before joining him, settling down beside him.

"Hey Wands, how was school?" Buck asked.

Wanda shrugged,"kind of boring. How was your day?"  She asked as she offered him a cookie.

"It was okay thanks" Buck gave her a small smile as he took a cookie from her packet.

"You know I can read minds" Wanda raised her eyebrows at him, "you're stressed, why?"

Bucky laughed, "your sister and Brother were being assholes this morning wouldn't listen to Tony and I"

Wanda let out a weary sigh, acknowledging the truth of her uncle's statement. "They're certainly a handful a lot of the time" she agreed, an expression of sympathy on her face. "I'm sorry they gave you such a hard time."

Bucky chuckled, "Not your fault they're a pair of shits. Don't worry though Pepper handled it"

"Woah you guys had to pull in the big guns couldn't handle the wrath of the 16 and 9 year old so you had to call for back up" Wanda laughed amused.

"Hey!" Buck held his hands up in defense, "That duo can be feral, Tony and I needed the help"

"You do know there was a much quicker solution to get them to listen, right?" Wanda asked.

Bucky's eyebrows lifted in surprise as Wanda smirked, hinting at a potential solution to his troubles that he hadn't considered. "There was?" he asked, puzzlement evident in his voice.

Wanda nodded, her smirk widening into a sly grin. "Oh, there definitely was," she confirmed, enjoying the moment as Bucky's curiosity piqued.

"Don't do that! Just tell me" Bucky huffed.

"I mean I could tell you but what's the fun in that" Wanda shrugged.

Bucky let out a groan, "Come on kid, help your favorite uncle out"

"You're not my favorite uncle, Tony is" Wanda teased him, even though Buck was her favorite she would never admit it out loud.

Bucky scoffed, "yeah yeah, whatever. Just tell me please"

"All you had to do was tell them you were gonna call mom" Wanda shook her head in disbelief, it was clearly the most obvious thing to do.

He groaned, realizing the obvious solution he'd overlooked. "All I had to do was tell them I was going to call their mom?" Buck repeated.

Wanda merely smirked again, "Duh, that's completely obvious. Can't believe you didn't think of that. When Tommy and Aj were bickering last night I threatened to call mom and it shut them both up"

"Noted" Bucky nodded.

"I was just about to take Finny on a walk if you wanted to come, think you could use the fresh air plus I heard you have a date with Hill Saturday which of course I will be helping you plan" Wanda smiled as she got up, she could tell he needed sometime out of the compound for an hour or two.

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