Chapter 20

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Time: For the annual Stark party
Place: The avengers compound

The final weekend of this summer break was going to be celebrated with a lavish and grand party, which had been arranged and hosted by Tony Stark himself. Nat was not particularly keen on the idea, now the girls lived with them she was a little more weary about the strangers attending the party however Tony had assured her that it would be fine and that he would never put his nieces in danger and she trusted that.

She found herself getting ready for the occasion, as she sat up in front of her dressing table and applied her makeup.


Wanda called out for Nat as she walked down the hall and towards Nats room.
Her bedroom door was open.

"What's up Love?"
Nat asked as she continued to do
her make up in-front of the mirror.

"Can you curl my hair please?"


"Nope you look like
an inmate"

AJ criticized Steve's Outfit choice as he walked out the bathroom in his third outfit.
The black and white stripy shirt just didn't look cool in Ajs eyes.

"You need a new wardrobe"

AJ shook her head in disgust as she flicked through her fathers closet.

"Okay this and this.
It's basic but it will do"

She handed him a black linen button up shirt and some grey trousers, it was the average 'going out' summer fit for a man but it was the nicest party outfit AJ thought her father had. Aj decided to sit on Steve's bed and do some coloring while she waited for him to get ready.

"That's better"

AJ smiled proudly as Steve exited the bathroom changed into his outfit.

"Black or white shoes?"

"Black duh! Come on dude
you're like 500 years old and the
9 year old is picking your outfit"

"I know, I'm ashamed okay"

Aj let out an amused laugh at Steve at least he was self aware. The child's attention then shifted back towards her coloring activity, as she continued working on her unfinished masterpiece.

"Ava you don't have time to color
you need to go get ready"

"I don't wanna go"

"You kind off have to kiddo
It's in our house"

"But Nate's not coming" The girl frowned,
"Uncle Clint said that Aunt Laura couldn't
bring the kids with her cause they're spending the weekend at Laura's moms"

"Ohhh whatever will you do
without your partner in crime"

Steve teased receiving an eye roll
in return. AJ wasn't impressed that Nate wasn't coming, Wanda had peter but AJ had no one her age to play with and Her uncles weren't going to want to play with her either they're gonna be to busy getting drunk, she knew that.

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