Chapter 43

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Time: For a new power?
Place: The Red room

AJ winced as Jonah sent another shock wave to her head, the girl had been on the table for hours with multiple wires stuck to her head, Jonah was using small electrical currents as a catalyst for precognition powers he believed Aj possessed.

"Anything?" He asked.

"No it's not working. I don't have these stupid powers" Aj huffed, she was in a lot of pain and her body was exhausted.

"Nonsense yes you do.
We've just got to up the current" Jonah smirked as he fiddled with the buttons of
the machine.

AJ shivered at the sensation of the strong electric current coursing through her veins, sending such a jolt of pain through the girls head, she hissed in pain, her eyes were squeezed tightly shut as she tried to attempt to dull the feeling.
That was when she saw something.
Steve was with her, he had found her.
She was with her dad, the dad she wanted, she could hear Steve's voice, he was crying, apologizing for not finding them quick enough, he was begging her to remember him, remember them. AJ was staring blankly at him, she was confused, lost. Her mind wasn't her own.
AJ shot her eyes open, violently sitting up ripping the wires off herself as she did.

"It worked? What did you see?" Jonah questioned.

Aj knew that if what she had seen had seen
has been her future, if the power had actually worked she couldn't tell Jonah the truth. He couldn't knew Steve was going to find her.
"I don't think it worked. I saw Tommy"
Aj lied.

Jonah smirked, he was certain it had worked. He let out a fake sigh,
"Perhaps it didn't work, that's fine
We can try again tomorrow"
He told Aj but of course he had been satisfied with her answer, Both his children were here under the same roof, they didn't know that but Jonah was sure they'd cross paths eventually.


"Oww" Tommy yelped, him and Wanda were in the training room working on combat "owwww fucking heck" the boy cried as he hunched over, Wanda had kneed him right were it hurts.

"Oh please it's not like you have any balls anyway you baby. I win again" Wanda teased him playfully.

Tommy certainly wasn't about to just accept the defeat, as he stood back up, deciding that revenge was a good idea, and he subsequently charged towards her, causing the two of them to go flying back down to the mat in a fit of laughter.

"Alright get off me you're heavy" Wanda huffed as she pushed him off.

"You calling me fat?" Tj gasped as he got up to get a bottle of water.

"shut up you dork"

The two of them decided they'd had enough of combat, they had been sparring for just over an hour now and were both growing bored. Tj handed Wanda a bottle of water before sitting back beside her.
"If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?" Tommy asked.
This was a regular occurrence between the two, Wanda and Tommy spent a lot of time with each other yet they never ran out of things to talk about. They'd chat about the most random of things.

"I don't know. Maybe Hawaii, my uncle Tony took aunt pepper there at the end of summer and the pictures made the place look amazing"

Tommy smiled, Wanda talked about her family a lot, he could tell she missed them,
"Oh yes your uncle Tony, he's your favorite right?"

"Favorite Uncle?"


Wanda shrugged, "I don't know that's hard it's definitely between Tony and Bucky. I think it just depends on which one's annoying me less on that day. What about you?"

"I haven't met your uncles Wanda so I wouldn't know which ones my favorite"

"No idiot the question before. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?"

"Easy. I'd go home, back to Florida"

"You're a Florida boy? Makes sense"

"Because I'm handsome?"

"In your dreams" Wanda rolled her eyes, "because you're cocky"

"I am not"

"Sure you're not"

"I'm not"

Wanda decided that this debate would just be a constant back and forth, so she decided to let him win for now.

"What's the first thing you're gonna do when you get out of here?"

"Tommy we're not-"

"Don't finish that sentence Wands remember positivity yayyy" the boy cheered sarcastically as he fist pumped the air.

"You're such an idiot.. I guess the first thing I'll do Is probably make my dad cook pancakes so I can eat a ton. My dad makes real good pancakes, you'll have to come over and try them. What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know. I don't really have anywhere to go but I guess that's a good thing right? I mean I can go wherever and have a fresh start. Get a new life, a good life"

"You should go to Hawaii cause then I can come and visit you and get a holiday out of it"

"Hawaii sounds great. I think I'll get a dog as well or I'll just take yours, Finny sounds cool"

"He's the coolest dog. Maybe you could come and stay with us for a while once we get out, until you find a place to go. I can imagine you'd be welcomed into the Revengers with open arms" Wanda smiled hopefully.

"I thought they were called
The avengers"

"Oh there's the Avengers, the superheroes that save the world and then there's the Revengers the superheroes who use their powers to prank the other Avengers and overall just make our lives chaotic"

"Sounds exciting"

"Try exhausting"

A/N: shorter chapter today,, idk what's going on but for some reason Wattpad won't let me use my usual format which is annoying so we've got a new format for now and possibly the foreseeable🥲😂

Thank you for reading🫡

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