Chapter 82

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Time: To play Cupid
Place: Shield HQ

Bucky and AJ entered the SHIELD lobby, their footsteps echoing softly in the space. As they walked, Bucky turned to his niece and issued a gentle warning. "Don't wander off," he instructed, his voice tinged with playful firmness. Aj hummed in agreement remaining close by until she saw Maria.

As AJ spotted Maria engaged in conversation with one of the SHIELD agents, her excitement got the better of her. Ignoring her uncle's earlier instructions to stay close, she bolted towards the desk with enthusiasm. "Maria!"

Maria, hearing AJ's voice, immediately turned her attention away from her previous conversation. A warm and genuine smile graced her lips as she greeted the young girl. "Hi kiddo"

With open arms, Maria welcomed AJ into a warm embrace. The young girl gleefully crashed into her, wrapping her small arms around Maria's waist.

Maria chuckled softly, "Someone's excited today," she mused, gently squeezing AJ in their hug.

AJ beamed with enthusiasm as she looked up at Maria, "Yep! School's closed today!"

Maria's laughter filled the air, and her gaze shifted to Bucky, who was now approaching them. A knowing smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she quipped, "Ah, I see. Schools closed today, so you get to hang out with your awesome Uncle Buck"

Bucky, overhearing Maria's remark, playfully rolled his eyes and pretended to grumble. "Oh, joy," he muttered sarcastically. "Another day of being the cool uncle. Someone, save me."

"Don't kid yourself, you're not cool" AJ playfully retorted.

Undeterred by her playful banter, Bucky grinned, "Alright then, if that's how you feel," he teased. "No McDonald's for you later!"

AJ gasped, "you wouldn't?"

"Oh I would" Bucky laughed ruffling her hair before remembering Maria was there, he gave her a gentle smile, "How's it going Hill?"

Maria shrugged, "oh you know the usual, so what brings you two here?"

Bucky glanced down at her niece, "Go on then ask Maria"

"Oh right" AJ nodded, "Agent Hill please will you go on a date with my uncle Buck" AJ said before her hand flew over her mouth in fake surprise as if she hadn't meant to say it.

As AJ spoke, a flicker of surprise crossed Maria's face, her eyebrows raising ever so slightly. However, before she could respond, Bucky found himself gasping in surprise, choking on the air he inhaled. His face turned a slight shade of red, a mix of embarrassment and disbelief.

AJ shrugged innocently,"Sorry, it just slipped out," she said to her uncle. Bucky, however, could see right through her act and knew she had done it deliberately. He mentally noted that he would have a word with her later for it.

Trying to salvage the situation, Bucky forced a strained chuckle. "Don't worry about it," he responded, "Why don't you actually ask Maria the question you wanted to ask?"

Turning her attention back to Maria, Aj spoke up. "Please, can I see Vic and Lyza?" she requested.

Maria beamed at AJ's request, her eyes filled with warmth. "Of course," she replied,"They're training with Coulson right now, but I'm sure they'd be more than happy to take a break to see you."

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