Chapter 58

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Hours passed, and when the clock struck 11:30, Steve had been in surgery for almost 5 and a half hours – no word coming back about his condition as the minutes ticked by. Everyone was anxious as they waited in the wings, the three kids had slept for a few hours after dinner but now being wide awake once again. Their curtains were drawn back so they could see each other, the three squished together on Tommy's bed as they attempted to distract themselves by playing a game of Uno.

"I'm bored of uno" AJ huffed as she threw her cards down.

"You're only bored cause you're loosing"
Tommy teased receiving a light nudge from his sister.

"Nuh uh. It's just boring"

"It is kinda boring" Wanda agreed.

"Ooo I could ask Uncle Buck to get my game console, we can play just dance" AJ suggested.

Tommy scoffed, "that's an awful idea you have two fractured ribs moron"

"Bro I don't feel a thing, I'm on drugs" Aj shrugged.

Wanda chuckled,"Yeah we know. You haven't taken Uncle Tony's sunglasses off"

At the mention of her uncle Tony, AJ got an idea, leaping off of Tommy's bed and rushing to her own to grab a pen from her pencil case.

"Aj be careful" Wanda warned, Aj was supposed to be taking it easy not running around.

"What are you doing?" Tommy asked.

"Wait" AJ told them her back to them.

AJ grabbed a pen and doodled a small goatee on her face – a reference to her uncle Tony, of course – before turning to face her brother and sister. She then gave them both a double peace sign, a cheeky, mischievous grin on her face.
"I am Tony Stark,Genius, billionaire,playboy, philanthropist" AJ imitated her Uncle.

"Oh my god she's lost the plot" Wanda laughed as she looked at AJ posing with the glasses and a fake goatee.

"Jarvis Ac/dc me" AJ called out to the AI, a few seconds later 'Back in Black' blasted through the speakers and AJ started dancing like her uncle Tony.

"What is going on? Jarvis music off" a female voice came from the entrance of the room, conveniently, a few seconds later Pepper walked in with Bucky.

Wanda's eyes lit up when she saw Pepper. "Auntie Pepper!"

"Ladies and gents" AJ announced still doing her best impression of Tony, "This is my wife Pepper Potts, I don't know why she choose to marry me I'm cocky and a a-hole most of the time. She must be in it for the money"

Bucky snorted at her impression of Tony.
The kid was clearly extremely bored and loopy from her medication, so much so she had just decided to mock her Uncle Tony.

Pepper walked by AJ, laughing quietly and ruffling her hair as she passed before walking over to Wanda. The woman then proceeded to pull the teen into a tight hug, "Oh sweetheart, I've missed you so much. Are you doing okay?"

"I'm doing a little better" Wanda spoke quietly as she accepted her Aunts hug.

The duo's hug was momentarily interrupted by someone clearing their throat, and they quickly pulled away from each other, looking to see AJ staring at them. Her hands rested on her hips.

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