The Beginning of The End

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Season 9, episode 6

"Nyla open the gate, it's rosita and them!"

Nyla opens the gates and sees a new group.

"Rosie who are they?" Nyla asks. "Some group that Judith refused to leave." Rosita responds. Nyla looks at the group. There's a curly haired boy and girl, and girl with a head injury, and another girl who's most likely deaf with a girl Nylas age signing to her.

"Michonne isn't going to be happy Jude." Judith looks down "I know but I couldn't leave them." She tells Nyla. Nyla sighs, Siddiq takes the injured girl away and the curly haired girl tries following but Nyla gets infront of her. "Sorry, you can't go with your friend." She tells them.

Michonne slowly enters the gates and everyone stares at her. "What the hell is this?" Michonne asks looking at the new group while getting off her horse. "You all know the rules no new people." Michonne says.

"Mom I brought them!"

"Judith you know the rules..."

"They were all clean. Gave up their weapons themselves if I should say. And another friend was taken by Siddiq to the infirmary." Nyla looks at Eugene almost trying not to laugh at how he talks. Michonne starts eyeing the curly haired girl.

Michonne pats the girl down "..Nyla take them to their room." She tells her. "Yes ma'am..follow me! I'm better then the other people. I like to think!" Nyla says sarcastically and starts to walk motioning at the new group to follow her.

It's silence until they finally stop and Nyla pulls out the keys. "Fuck. They give me to many keys." She mumbles under her breath trying to find the right one to unlock it. She finally unlocks it and let's them in.

"They're should be food and water in there. What's your guys names?" Nyla asks. They all introduce themselves. "Oh and here because I don't want to have to unlock it anymore." Nyla puts the key on the table. "Um there should be a council thing tomorrow so yea be prepared for that!"

"Where's your family?" Magna asks.

"Well my sister and niece are in a community called Hilltop, that's also my home I'm just visiting right now. And my dad is looking for a friend." She explains to them. They look confused. "Ok.. so." Nyla leans against the door frame.

"There's three communities, Alexandria, Hilltop, and the kingdom. My sister Lila and her daughter Ana live there. I also live in hilltop but every three weeks i visit a different community for a week to spend time with friends. I'm one of the only people that's actually kept in touch since Rick." Nyla stops "Sorry I talk see you guys at the council thing I guess!" Nyla says and walks out closing the door behind her.

What the fuck? That girl, Kelly. She just kept on staring like she actually payed attention. She was pretty as well. "No, she's only going to be here for a few weeks." Nyla thinks in her head. She starts walking back home.


There's someone banging on Nylas door. She looks at her clock "Shit! I'll be out there in a minute!" She says quickly getting up to get ready. She was 10 minutes late to the council and Aaron was banging on her door.

Once she's ready she opens the door "Fuck did you guys already start?" She asks. Aaron starts speed walking to the council meeting and Nyla jogs after him. "Ok in my defense I couldn't sleep last night so I slept through my um alarm." She explains.

They walk through the doors and Michonne is staring at Nyla with a disappointed face. Nyla looks down awkwardly and quickly walks to her spot, standing next to Gabriel.

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