Watching Her Fade Away

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Season 9, episode 16

"Ny make sure you eat something we have to get them to Hilltop."

"I ain't hungry."

Daryl stares at her and hands her an apple "Eat." Nyla rolls her eyes and puts the apple I'm her bag as they leave for Hilltop.

It's been a year since Lila and them. Nyla and Siddiq have both been seeing things, they don't know how else to process what happened. Nyla is walking next to Alden and his horse.

"Is that them? People watching us now, huh?" He asks pointing at walkers. "Well we followed their rules. Haven't they done enough to us?" He looks back at Lydia with a look of hatred. "Alden don't." Nyla says. "Hey. Why don't you lay off." Daryl tells Alden.

"Look Alden, Henry wanted her here. She meant something to him and it's the least we can do for Carol." Nyla looks up at Alden on his horse. "Yea but what about how we feel? We lost people that day as well." Nyla sighs.

"She's a good kid. Just give her a chance, please." Alden looks down at Nyla for a second "Fine." Nyla smiles.

"Thank you."



"Weathers already kicking in." Jerry says.

"Dad we need to get off the roads, we can find shelter between here and the next station." Nyla days to Daryl. "You have a place in mind?" Someons asks. "Yeah..yea I do." Aaron answers.

About ten minutes later a door closes behind the big group. "People actually lived here?" Magna asks and Nyla looks back at her. "Welcome to the sanctuary!" She says to Magna.

"It sucked but when we took over it was a lot better until Rick when boom." Michonne turns to Nyla hearing what she just said. "Ny!" Daryl says. "Sorry." Nyla quickly apologizes.

"Ny come here!" Daryl calls out. Nyla walks to Daryl and he hands her a gun. "What's this for?" She asks confused. Ever since Lila, Daryl hasn't trusted her with a gun for personal reasons. Only they knew about it.

"I still don't trust you with them but you need it for safety. When we get to Alexandria you give me that back." Daryl says and Nyla nods.

She looks down at the gun in her hand.

"Don't even think about doing it."


They're walking again. "We have to go across the border, it's the only option." She can hear them discussing. She walks up to Daryl "Dad I'm gonna be back I saw something in the woods." Daryl nods letting Nyla walk to the woods.

She sees a frozen walker. The only thing moving is its jaw, trying to bite at Nylas ankle. Nyla kneels down infront of it and rolls her sleeve up.

She puts her arm infront of the walkers mouth. Slowly extending it so the walker could bite it. She knew that if a walker bit her it would look like an accident and not a plan, so that's what she tried.

"Ny!" She hears a voice from behind her call out. She quickly rolls her sleeve back down and gets up turning around, Daryl. "What the hell was that?" He asked. You can't tell if he's more angry or upset. Or maybe even both.

"I'm sorry I just, dad I can't do this anymore I can't just listen to Alpha and Beta and pretend that I'm ok. I can still fucking see it, and I can hear it, her screams." Nylas voice breaks and her eyes form tears.

Daryl doesn't really know what to say so he says whatever "Look I know we shouldn't listen to them but if we don't more people die. I know you miss Lila and so do I but you don't have to kill yourself over a flashback." The second he says it he knows its the wrong words to say.

"Is that what it is? Just a flashback? Dad her last breath she spent talking to me, screaming for me, she thought I was dying with her." Nyla says. Daryl just stands there. He pulls Nyla close and hugs her.

Nylas confused, angry, sad, afraid, and happy all at the same time. The last time her dad actually held her like this was when she was five and had to get stitches.

Her dad wasn't really the affectionate type most the time he just talked until Ny would calm down. But he knew it wasn't going to work, almost nothing could calm her down or make her forget now.

He kisses the top of her head "I know. I promise that when we find out how she's going to be gone. And we're not gonna have to listen to her, I'd do anything to protect you you know that right?"

Nyla smiles a bit and nods. "Come on let's get back to the group." Daryl says and they both go back to the group.

"Here get on the horse."

"Dad I'm fine I can walk."

"No arguing get on."



"No you're totally wrong I don't like her!" Nyla says to Alden. "You do! You like Kelly. I can tell when my best friend likes someone!" Kelly is at least like 10 horses behind them. They just hope she doesn't hear.

"Best friend? Are we seven?" Nyla looks at him. "Oh my God nevermind." Alden says. "No! What are we gonna have matching necklaces or bracelets?" She smiles. "Forget it." He says and smiles as well.

"Alright everyone off the horses, it's ice." Michonne says. Alden gets off his horse and helps Nyla down. They check before starting to move people across. Daryl takes a step back and a hand grabs his ankle.

"Shit. They're in the snow!" Daryl yells and almost everyone turns to him. Nyla shoots the walker that grabbed Daryl, a bolt going through its eye. Carol goes looking for Lydia. Ezekiel is rushing people across the ice and Daryl and Nyla are killing the walkers.

Carol comes back with Lydia five minutes later and they hurry across the icem "Come on, the walkers are slow we have to get across the ice you're the only two left." They both nod and quickly cross the ice. Alden helps Nyla get back on her horse before he gets back on his.

"You know I miss Lila. I get she was my ex and all but she was a good person, she's your sister, Ana's mother, Ana has to live with me now I don't think she's a big fan of that yet." Alden says and Nyla smiles

"She'll get use to it."

"I hope."


They make it to the gates of Alexandria.

Nyla quickly gets off her horse and the gates open.

She runs through the gates and Ana runs to Nyla right away hugging her. Nyla is kneeling down to be at Ana's height and cups her face "Are you okay? You're red, why are you red?"

"We didn't have a fire. It's cold!" Ana says with a smile. Daryl throws a snowball at Ana and RJ. He laughs and points at her before someone else throws one at him making Ana and Nyla laugh.

Everyone starts running around throwing snowballs and laughing. Even Lydia was, and Ana and Nyla were having so much fun it's like they forgot about the bad stuff. Nyla definitely forgot about the bad stuff at that moment.

She loved moment like these, laughing with family, its the first time she's laughed with her dad in years.

She's missed this.

All of this.




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