I Can't Handle Change

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Season 9, episode 7

"Nyla wake up we have to pack." Siddiq says shaking her gently. Apparently in the night Kelly found a blanket and put it on Nyla.

"I can pack her stuff." Kelly says.

Nyla starts waking up. "No it's fine I can do it."

Siddiq helps Nyla up and Nyla starts packing. She grabs her crossbow and puts her bag on. They had all been waiting at least 5 minutes for her.

They get out and see walkers "Shit.." Nyla mumbles. Michonne goes straight to killing but Nyla hands the new group the bag of their weapons. "Just this once." She says.

She points her crossbow at one behind Michonne and shoots it in the head with no struggle. Luke kills one about to get Nyla and she just nods as her way of saying thank you.

"See that wasn't to bad. I think." Nyla says after they killed all the Walkers. "This was the same group that attacked you." Michonne says. "How do you know that?" Magna asks. Michonne moves out the way revealing a walker with a colorful shirt pattern.

They all knew who it was just by the story. Nyla shoots it in the head and turns to look at the group. She walks over to Kelly and just gives her a hug. Kelly doesn't even hesitate to hug her back and not letting go.

"I'm sorry." Nyla says.

Kelly let's go and doesn't say anything.

Siddiq helps everyone back in the cart and helps Nyla back on her horse. "Hilltop we go I guess." Siddiq says.

Hours later the whole trip has been silent. They see people ahead of them "Slow down..it's Hilltop." Nyla says. They stop infront of the other people. "What are you doing here?" Michonne asks.

"We have your people, Rosita Espinosa." The people say. Nyla stares at the people infront of her. When they start up again the horses are even faster than before. Nyla's horse going fastest.


"Open the gates, it's Nyla, Siddiq, and Michonne." They hear on the other side of the gates. Nyla gets off her horse. A soldier from Hilltop walks out "You guys know the drill weapons on the ground." The soldier says.

Everyone puts their weapons on the ground and the soldiers let them through the gates. "See now this is home!" Nyla says with a big smile on her face.

"Auntie Ny, Auntie Ny!" A tiny voice calls out.

Nyla looks over to see Ana running towards her with her arms open.

She hugs Ana and picks her up kissing her on the head. "Hi sweetie! Where's your mom?" Nyla asks. Kelly watches their interaction smiling a bit. "Aunt Tara said she's with Jesus and Aaron looking for Eugene!" Ana says.

Nyla looks confused as to why they're looking for them. "Who are they auntie?" Ana asks. "Well you see the girl right next to me is Kelly, that's her sister Connie, that's Magna and yumiko, and that's Luke!" Ana answers her pointing at the people.

Kelly smiles and waves at Ana. Tara and Michonne start talking. "I like you hair!" Ana says to Kelly and both Kelly and Nyla smile. "Well thank you, I like your shirt." Kelly says making Ana smile as well.

She sees Rosita rushing out with Siddiq following her. Nyla walks to them "Rosie? She calls out. Rosita turns to her "Nyla your sister shouldn't be out there these aren't normal walker!" Rosita says.

Nyla puts Ana down and tells her to go to Kelly. "Ny these walkers were talking and some were holding knifes..they might not even be walkers." Nyla stares at rosita.

The three of them walk over to Michonne and Siddiq has to hold Rosita back from leaving. "Michonne I'm going with you." Michonne tells her it's not safe. "I know but my sister is out there I need to know she's ok!" Nyla says and Michonne sighs.

"You need to watch Ana and show the group around." Before Nyla can even argue Michonne leaves. "Whatever..new group with me, you can come as well Ana." Nyla starts walking and motions for them to follow.

They start following her and Ana goes up to Nyla to hold both her and Kelly's hand. "So this is better then Alexandria because you have your own rooms. That one is Connie's, that's Magna and yumiko, that one is Luke's, and that one is Kelly's, ok?"

They all nod and Ana puts her arms out for Kelly to pick her up. Kelly picks her up and everyone puts her stuff in their room. Everyone stays in their rooms besides Kelly. She comes back out with Ana. "You okay?" Kelly asks.

"Hm? Oh yea, I'm fine."


Nyla is sitting on the swings with Ana in her lap asleep.

It's been hours since Michonne left.

Why aren't they back? What if something happened to her sister, what would she do with Ana? Kelly walks over to them "Can I sit here?" Nyla nods and Kelly sits next to her.

"You wanna talk about it?" Kelly asks and Nyla looks at her. "I'm just worried what if they don't come back? And if they do what if Lila isn't with them?" Kelly puts Nylas hand in hers.

"They're gonna be ok. Come on you should get some sleep." Kelly gets up and helps Nyla up. She's still holding a sleeping Ana close in her arms. They start walking to their rooms.

Nyla puts Ana on to Nylas bed and Kelly leans against the doorframe watching. "Goodnight nyla." Kelly says and Nyla turns to face her. "Goodnight kelly." She whispers. Kelly leaves the room and closes the door.

Nyla turns the lights off and sits in the fetal position on a chair. She hates how Kelly already feels like home to her She hates how calm she is with Kelly. But the thing she hates most is how easily she trusted them.

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