The Prophecy

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Season 10, episode 15

Ana and Judith walked through the halls of the building, passing Lydia as they walked. The group had found each other again and were saying in some weird place they found. No one liked the idea of having Selene around, but Selene was nice, and she could help them. It was quiet. No one said a word, and that just freaked Ana out.

Eventually, Ana wandered off at the sight of a cat. It was white and gray with blue eyes. It was a baby. Ana sat down on the ground near the cat and watched its every move. The cat moved closer to her, brushing its head against her arm as it walked. It was like it was purposely staying close to her.

Ana smiled. She put her hand out and lightly scratched the cats head. "Hmm... im gonna name you Casper, like the friendly ghost." She spoke softly, and the cat just purred in response. Kelly noticed this small interaction and walked over with her arms crossed. "Hey, Ana..."

Ana looked back at Kelly before waving. Kelly kneeled down next to her, petting the cat as it lay in Ana's lap. "And who is this?" Kelly asks Ana, her voice soft, and she had a small smile on her face while she listened to Ana, who started talking about random things. Before the whole cave thing, Kelly had told Nyla that she would look after Ana for when Nyla was gone. She never thought that she'd actually have to, and neither of them did. But, here she is with an excited Ana.

Kelly's thoughts were interrupted when Ana spoke, "Can we keep it?" Kelly smiled slightly. "I don't see why not. Do you know how to take care of him?" Ana quickly nodded while Kelly smiled. "Then, of course, we can keep him. What's his name?"

"Casper! Auntie Ny always liked the name Casper!" That was just another thing that broke Kelly's heart into a million pieces. "Well then, Casper, it is. Now go take Casper and play with Judith."

"Ok!" Ana got up and ran to Judith, carrying Casper.

Kelly turned and walked out of the room, over to Selene. "What do we do with her?" Kelly asked Alden. "I don't know yet."

"Hey guys." They all turned to face Luke. "Uh, I need some to run an errand for me." Carol had quickly walked forward and volunteered. "I'll go."


"Those your family?"

Selene looked over her shoulder and at Alden. "Fuck them." She said as the horde walked before she hid behind a wall at the sound of a Whisperers voice.

"No sigh of them. They left quickly. Couldn't have gone far."

"Do we search elsewhere?"

"Where... ocean."

Alden looked over the wall and then back at Aaron, making a 600 with his fingers, and Aaron wrote it on his.. fake arm.

Selene couldn't tell what motion Aaron did next, but she assumed it had something to do with biting, Alden nodded his head.

He looked over the wall again, except this time, Beta turned around, and Alden quickly hid. Aaron made a signal, asking if they saw Alden.

He didn't answer. Instead, he just looked over the wall again. "Prepare the guardians." Beta said. "We walk." He said before walking away.

Eventually, Alden nodded, and Aaron put his thumbs up, to which Alden nodded again. He gestured for Selene and Alden to follow him before starting to walk, and they did follow him.


Ana and Judith started walking towards Lydia, who was petting Casper. "All the other cats left." Judith said, and Lydia looked at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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