Tag, You're It

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Season 9, episode 13

"I'm sorry, whose Beta?"

"He's my mom's favorite, basically like a partner in crime."

Nyla and Daryl look at eachother. Nyla looks worried but Daryl could care less "Good, if she sends him we'll be able to take him down." Nyla looks at him "Are you crazy? No we have to leave!"

"It's not up for discussion. You can yell at me at Hilltop, I'll take first watch." Nyla rolls her eyes. Nyla writes down what happened for Connie and Connie stares at her nervous.

"We'll be fine, I promise." Nyla says to Connie and she nods. Henry tries changing the subject. "Sooo you and Kelly like eachother?"


Its been hours and the three of them won't stop bothering Nyla while Daryl keeps watch. "Let it go I don't like Kelly!" Connie gives her a look and signs "Sureeee." Nyla rolls her eyes.

"Wait didn't you and Enid like just break up?" Henry asks "Hen that was three years ago and we weren't even dating." She says. "Oh right, I forgot." Henry looks down. Nylas sitting in the fetal position.

"Shit get Henry, Lydia, and Dog in a hiding spot."


"They're here."


"Glenn! Dad where's Glenn?"

"He went on a baby supply thing with maggie."

"Dad that was two hours ago." Daryl looks at Nyla. "Search the prison maybe they came back." Daryl says. "Me and Lila checked like 5 times."

"Well tell Rick I'm sure he'll find them." Rick walks in with a girl. "Who's that?" Lila asks.

"Michonne, she knows where Glenn and Maggie are."Where are they?" Nyla asks making Rick turn to her. "Their with the governor. He took them hostage or something I guess."

"The fuck do you mean 'I guess'? Are they okay?" Nyla asks. "Ny, language." Daryl says and Nyla rolls her eyes. "I'm sure they're fine." Nyla nods at Rick and holds onto her locket.

Lila looks over to her "They're gonna be ok Ny." She whispers to Nyla.

"I know"


"Ny how long are we going to be in here?"

"Until me, Daryl, or Connie come back Henry."

"It's not gonna be that long, I promise. And when we're back we can go to Hilltop safe and sound, ok?" Henry nods. "Make sure you guys barricade it and don't let anyone in unless you know it's us."

"Yea. Ok." Henry and Lydia both say. Nyla stands up and he and Connie split up going different ways. "Be safe" Connie signs. "You too." Nyla signs back.

Nyla can't see anything, where she walked into is almost completely dark. She's alone. At least she thinks she's alone. She knows she's not going to kill anyone but she still has her crossbow out.

Nyla tries to turn around but she feels a knife on her throat and a hand on her hip. "Where is she?" She heads a voice from behind her. "I don't know." She says.

"Bullshit, you know where Lydia is and Alphas looking for her." Nyla stays silent "Maybe you've heard of me, I'm Beta and I'm sure Lydia's told you all about me."

"Nope Lydia hasn't said a word."

"If you can't tell me where Lydia is..
i guess we have to go find Daryl."

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