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Season 10, episode 3

"How long till the next wave hits?"

"One hour from the north, two from the south."

Nyla sighs and looks at the bodies being thrown. "Northern waves thicker then fleas on a farm dog but the southerns more dispersed." Nyla looks up at Eugene squinting her eyes "Stop talking like that you sound like you're from the 18th hundreds." Michonne rolls her eye at Nylas comment.

"How am I supposed to answer questions?" Eugune asks. Nyla puts her hand over her eyes to shield her from the sun. "Talk like how we are." Eugune thinks for a minute. "Perhaps I could try."

"Yea well start trying now."

Michonne turns to Nyla.

"Go to Aaron you're gonna help him today." Nyla nods. She starts walking away but Michonne yells to her "And don't make a mess like last time, please!" Nyla gives her a thumbs up and continues walking.

"Oh jeez."

"What you don't like killing walkers with me Aaron?"

"That's not what I mean. Even with you, we're still low on fighters." Nyla looks around "Maybe we tell Gabriel?" Aaron shrugs. "Tell me what?"

"Holy shit Gabriel. You don't have to fucking come out of nowhere!" Nyla says jumping up. "Ny we went over the cussing thing." Nyla rolls her eyes. "Better then me having my head on a stick."


"What? Come on I'm being honest."

"Look I'll have Negan be your fighter for today." Aaron and Nyla both turn to Gabriel. "Yea no." They both say. "What do you mean no? Look I don't wanna hear it. You two are low on fighters and he doesn't want to garden anymore. End of discussion!" Gabriel walks off leaving Aaron, Negan, and Nyla alone.

"He's going with you."

"What? No Aaron he'd love to be with you!"

"I had him last time."



"Sooo how's Ana??" Nyla turns to Negan confused.

"She's fine."

"Really? Even with her dead mother?"

Nyla stops walking and turns around putting a knife at his throat. "Talk about Lila again and I'll slit your fucking throat in the same spot." Negan backs up "Damn calm down missy."

She rolls her eyes and continues walking. "What do you have against me anyways Ny?" Negan asks. "Don't call me that. And what wouldn't I have against you? You killed Glenn and Abraham." Nyla finally stops walking "Here." She hands him a broom stick. "A broom? Really?"

"I'm not giving you anything else. Who knows what you'll do with it." He rolls his eyes. "We ain't even that far from Alexandria, Ms. Dixon?" He makes the last part sound like a question wondering if he can call her that and she nods. "Don't matter. Aaron told us to stay close anyways."

He sighs and takes it from her.

"I wish it was you instead of Lila."

"I could say the same."


"Sooo, Ms. Dixon, what happened that day you went looking for Henry with Daryl and Connie?" Nyla looks at him "Why you need to know?" Negan looks around "Just curious."

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