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Season 9, episode 12

"Nyla!" A voice yells.


"Hm?" Daryl runs up to her "Do you know where Henry went? He's not in his cell and Carol would kill me if I lose him" he says. Nyla shakes her head "I can help you find him." She says and Daryl nods.

"He might have left, to get Lydia?" Daryl looks at her "Yea..maybe, I guess we can look outside for a bit and if we can't find him go to the Whispers." Nyla nods. "I'll go get Connie she keeps asking to come." Nyla nods again and Daryl walks off.

Kelly walks up to Nyla while Nyla puts her crossbow over her shoulder. "Who taught you?" Nyla looks at her "My dad. He taught me and my sister at the beginning." She smiles "You think you could teach me?" Kelly asks.

"If you teach me sign language." Kelly nods. "Nyla, let's go!" Daryl calls out. "Bye kells. I'm coming dad!" She waves bye to Kelly and goes to Daryl. Kelly waves as well and then Daryl, Connie, and Nyla all leave.


"And I had to swim him back to shore!"

Nyla sees Connie smile at that story.

They've been standing there for a while listening to Daryl's story, Nyla has just been playing with Dog the whole time. Throwing his stick back and forth.

"So what happens if we don't find Henry?" Nyla asks. "Well if we don't find him Carol's gonna kill me." Daryl says as they start walking again.

Few hours later Daryl and Connie are still talking. Nyla is holding onto her locket. "Ny, Connie wants to know where you got the locket, I don't know either." He says making Nyla take her other hand of Dog and turning to look at them.

"I got it from Glenn. When we were at the farm he always brought me back stuff from his runs." She says and Daryl writes it down so Connie understands. "I love the locket but I also kinda hate it at the same time." She says looking forward again.

"It reminds me of him, it's why I have mixed emotions on it." She stops holding on to her locket. "Hey we might have to get one of those masks, if Henry is out here he's probably with them." Daryl and Connie both nod.

"Wait so we have to cut their faces off?" Connie signs and Nyla nods. Connie shakes her head and Nyla sighs. "Dad find us walkers. Please???" Daryl rolls his eyes "Whatever.." he says under his breath walking off.


"Ms. K!"


"Where's auntie Ny? Momma wants to talk to her!" Ana says. "Ny went to look for Henry." Ana looks confused. "Henry snuck out." Kelly says. "Ohhhh! Did grandpa go?" Kelly nods.

It feels weird hearing her call Daryl "grandpa" he's probably only in his 50's. It doesn't sound right. "Alden I have to go back out there, my sister and dad are out there!" Kelly hears from a distance.

"You know how dangerous they are please!" Kelly walks up to them to hear them better. "What do you mean dangerous?" Kelly asks. "They almost killed Rosita and Eugene, attacked us, kidnapped Luke and Alden, and killed Jesus. I can't let Nyla be out there!" Lila says.

"Lila I know I'm worried as well, Nyla is one of my best friends I don't want her out there either but she can take care of herself! Daryl and Connie are with her as well." Alden says trying to calm Lila down.

"Nylas only ever killed one person and that was to save Connie, she can't do much out there." Kelly watches them argue. "Alden we barely know Connie and if you think about it we barely know my dad either." Alden sighs.

"I'm sorry I can't let you go out there, it wss Nylas and Tara's rules." Lila rolls her eye. "If she doesn't come back in one piece I'm actually going to strangle you."

"I believe that."


"Oh my God that's so gross dad."

"It's how we get the herd to the group."

"I think im gonna throw up." Nyla turns to Connie and Connie looks disgusted. "I think Connie agrees with me." Daryl ignores her complaining and hands her a mask. "Put it on." He hands Connie a mask as well.

Daryl and Connie put their masks on. "I can't believe I'm doing this ew." Nyla puts the mask on. "Oh lovely just what I imagined." Daryl shoves her "Shut up we have to get to the group." Nyla nods.

A few minutes Connie, Daryl, and Nyla are crouched behind a tree. It's almost midnight and Alpha brings Lydia to Henry. She keeps trying to get Lydia to kill Henry but a group of walkers go after the unmasked people. The three of them run out from behind the tree and grab Henry.

"Hen we can't take her come on!" Nyla says. Henry grabs onto Lydia's hand and the group runs off. When they're finally far enough they take their masks off and catch their breath.

"The hell was that!" Daryl says. "Dad stop he was just scared." Nyla says earning a stare from Daryl. "We have to find a place to sleep." Connie writes on her paper. Daryl nods and starts walking motioning for them to follow.

They all follow him, Lydia keeps petting dog. They finally make it to their place and they all set up.

"Just hope he don't find us." Lydia says.

They all stare at her.

"Who's him?"






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