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Season 10, Episode 7

"Ny! I'm glad you came!"

Siddiq comes up to Nyla and hugs her after she walks through the gates of Alexandria. He looks down at Ana and smiles and waves "Hi Ana." Ana smiles and waves back "Hi Mr. Siddiq!" After Ana runs off to find Judith. "Sorry I couldn't come earlier I've been busy."

"It's fine really. Hey, you think you could help me out? Lots of people are sick and I need an extra hand..if that's alright?" Nyla nods. "Mhm. Yea of course!" Siddiq smiles "Great." They start walking "So how's Max? Have you talked to her?" He asks looking back at Nyla while still walking. Nyla following him and nods "Well no not really, I mean she's sent me and Alden letters. She said she found Maggie and Maggie had other people. Max said she has a girlfriend now named Ellie, and ellie has a brother named clay." Siddiq nods.

"Sounds like she's doing good." Nyla smiles a bit and looks down "Yea I guess it does." Siddiq looks forward again "How's Kelly?" Nyla rolls her eyes "How's rosie?" He looks back at her. "Fair point." Siddiq opens the door to the infirmary "Ladies first." Nyla says. "How kind." Siddiq replies walking inside. Nyla goes in right after and closes the door behind her. "You and Daryl talk about your fight yet?"

She shakes her head. "No. There's nothing to talk about." Before Siddiq can answer Gabriel comes in. "Siddiq, and Nyla I guess." They both turn to Gabriel confused. "There's a Whisperer, well Ny you knew about it. But he's injured really bad and I need you guys to help him before we get him to talk." Nyla puts her thumbs up. "Yes sir." Gabriel walks out and Siddiq turns to Nyla. "Yes sir? Really?" Nyla looks at him confused. "What? It's respectful."

Siddiq laughs a bit. "Yea whatever. Just help me grab the stuff so we can help the guy." Nyla nods. "I'm gonna call him a whisper bitch instead of whisperer." She says while grabbing the medicine Siddiq wrote on a paper and handed to her. "Um how about you don't?" Nyla shrugs. "Why not? It's an honest nickname." Siddiq sighs. "Gabriel would kill you."

"Yea well Gabriel could go fuck himself." Siddiq says silent and looks at her, nyla looks back at him. "Joking of course." They both go back to grabbing stuff. "I hope you're joking." Nyla rolls her eyes. "I want a dog. And I'm not talking about Dog I mean I want my own dog that's not named Dog." Siddiq smiles a bit "What type of dog?"

"Like a pitbull or German shepherd. Or maybe I could get a cat..if we find one." They finish grabbing their stuff. "Mhm ok let's go."

"Yes ma'am"

Siddiq looks back at her.

"Cause you act like a..girl..sorry."


Gabriel opens the cell letting Nyla and Siddiq walk in. They both kneel down infront of the Whisperer. "Don't try anything." Dante says. Nyla's always had a bad feeling about Dante. She thought he looked familiar. It didn't help with the fact he appeared out of basically thin air. "Never." Nyla unbuttons the guys flannel and moves it out the way so she can see his cut.

She looks over at Siddiq who was looking at the cut. "Stitches? Right?" Siddiq nods. "I know you two." Siddiq and Nyla look at the Whisperer trying to ignore what he said. "Look." Nylas hands start shaking a bit and Gabriel walks over to them. "Dante can take it from here." He tells the two. "It's fine. We're fight. Right?" Siddiq nods in response. "Yea we're alright."

Dante puts a hand on Nylas shoulder but she pushes it off. It wasn't just cause it was Dante but she didn't let anyone touch her since what Beta did to her. She didn't let anyone expect Kelly. Dante moves his hand "Outside. Now." Siddiq sighs and stands up leaving. Dante looks at Nyla "You as well." Nyla looks down at the needle on the ground, breathing heavily.

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