That Funny Feeling

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Season 10, episode 6

Nyla, who was talking to Kelly gets dragged away by Daryl to go over to Carol. "Hi ma." Nyla says Carol stops in her tracks turning to face Nyla and Daryl. Carol's let Nyla call her 'mom' or 'ma' ever since her actual mother was killed and Daryl left. Carol took the parental figure she knew Nyla needed. Every now and then Ezekiel would let Nyla call him dad but it was very rare to hear her actually say it. "Hey." Carol replies. "Feelin' better?" Daryl asks.

"Yeah. Thanks." Nyla just scratches the back of her head awkwardly as she watches the two talk. "Where you goin'?" Carol turns and looks back at Daryl again "Gonna do another sweep for Negan." Daryl nods. "You want company?" Nyla asks, reminding the two she's there. All Carol does is smile a bit before nodding. "Alright. Let's go." Daryl says. While the three walk towards the gates Nyla turns around waving bye to Kelly. Kelly waving bye back and blowing a kiss as a joke. Nyla knew Kelly was messing around but her face got a bit red and she turned back around continuing to walk besides Daryl.

Finally they're walking through the woods, birds chirping. "Think Negan crossed the border?" Daryl breaks the 10 minute silence. It was a shame though, Nyla was hoping they could read 15 minutes. "He'd know we couldn't follow him over there." Carol says. Nyla gets a better grip on her knife, Alden took away her crossbow for a bit after what she told him.

"I can't see him puttin' on a mask." Nyla's face grows a tiny smile imagining how dumb Negan would look wearing a mask. "Or staying quiet for long." Carol adds on making Nylas smile dissappear. "Still, stranger things have happened." Daryl looks back at Nyla making sure she's still there. Suddenly they stop and Carol looks into a field. "We takin' a break?" Daryl asks as Carol puts her stuff on wood and goes through her bag. Nyla looking around confused.

"Nope. This is our spot today." Suddenly Nyla knew they weren't looking for Negan. She just wanted Daryl to find out on his own. "Gonna stay here...see what we see." Carol walks forward a bit with her binoculars. Daryl and Nyla following her. "He ain't gonna wander around, waitin' to get spotted. He ain't that dumb." Nyla nudges Daryl and Daryl looks at her confused. "You don't really think?..take your time." Daryl looks at her.

"He ain't that dumb. Neither are you and Carol." Carol looks back at Daryl "Gee, thanks." Nyla points at Carol "Yea what she said." Daryl gets on one side of Carol, Nyla on the other side. "You wanna tell me what we're doin' out here?" Daryl looks at Carol. "Looking for Negan." Nyla says in a sarcastic tone and Daryl rolls his eyes. "Right. You two gonna tell me what we're really lookin' for?" Carol looks at Daryl lowering her binoculars.

Nyla taps on Carol asking for the binoculars and Carol hands her them. Nyla looking through them as Carol and Daryl go back and forth. "Alphas horde." Daryl nods and Carol sighs. "We're gonna find it, and we're gonna destroy it." Nyla hands Carol back her binoculars "I like that idea." Carol smiles a bit looking through the binoculars again.

"Ny shut up."

"Yes sir."


Nyla looks at the map that Carol is opening up. "Alpha's been sending waves of walkers to screw with us, right?" Just hearing Alphas name makes Nyla see her. And it's clearly as well. "Well, I've been tracking walker movement along the border. Small groups. Some of them might have Whisperers in them." Carol looks at Nyla and she nods snapping out of it. "But they all connect right back to this general area, so I figure we stake out this spot." Nyla looks over at Daryl.

"See where the Whisperers go. Might lead us back to the horde. That's smart." Nyla's leaning against both Daryl and Carol, standing behind them still looking down at the map. "I thought so." Carol says agreeing with Daryl. "She's gonna need a big place though, like the canyon they used to be in." Nyla points at a place on the map "That?" She asks. "Mhm." Daryl nods. "Not gonna be able to sneak in there without startin' up some kind of shit though." Daryl adds.

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