Hits Different

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Season 10, episode 12

Kelly didn't even hesitate when she ran into Hilltop. She knew she had to help the rest kill but she couldn't knowing Ana was in there. A Whisperer jumped out at her and she threw them against the ground.

She ran into the burning house and took out both Ana and Adam. She held Adam in her hands as kneeled down infrot of Ana "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Burn? What?" Ana nods "I'm okay."

"Okay. Okay we have to find your dad." Ana nods and Kelly stands back up. The wall had fallen down and waves of whispers and walkers came rushing in. Ana grabbed onto Kelly's hand.

The explosions, everything was loud. If Nyla or Lila were there, they would've freaked out. "Come on let's go." Just as Kelly ran out she was greeted with Selene. "Not a threat. I am not a threat." Selene puts her hands up. "Don't have time to worry about you right now, talk when we're on the road."

It had been a few hours now, now it was Kelly, Selene, Ana, Adam, and Mary. Both Mary and Selene we're in the back and Alden held Adam close while Kelly held Ana's hand. "Hey let me take Adam." "No it's okay."

"You need to rest."

"It's okay. We just gotta keep moving. Earl and the others could be at the rendezvous already." Adam cried as Alden tried calming him down. "Can I try? I-- I use to have kids beforehand the outbreak." Selene says.

Kelly was gonna be nice but Alden speaks up instead "Nope. Absolutely not. You're with Alpha, you're an enemy." Selene rolls her eyes. "Hey, it's okay." Alden cooed Adam. "We're almost there." Selene looks around a bit, along with Mary.

"Yes, we are. Oh, yes, we are." Selene knew Alden most likely hated her but she still smiled watching him interact with Adam. Kelly looks over at Alden "Why don't you try talking normal? Kelly asks. "Oh, I am talking normal. Aren't I?" Alden says in a baby voice. "I'm talking normal."

Kelly makes a face as if she was saying he's weird. But she just looks around and doesn't mention anything as the crying continued. "That's the creepy baby voice, Alden." Kelly tells him. "Kinda sounds like Mickey mouse." Selene adds on and Alden looks back at her offended.

Kelly shakes her head "Nobody likes the mickey mouse voice." Alden rolls his eyes when Kelly says this. "Not even babies." She says as she gestures to a still crying Adam. She stops in her tracks when Ana puts her arms out. Kelly picks her up and puts her on her shoulders then continues walking.

They stopped walking when Mary stepped forward "Let me see if I can help." Selene steps forward with her and Alden glares at them. "Thought I told you to stay back." Kelly looks at them confused. "We can help with Adam." Selene tells him.

"Yeah, the hell yall can." Kelly looks at Alden "Come on. They know him." Kelly tries reasoning with him "No, they knew him. And them and their people left them to die, remember?" The crying continues and it didn't seem like stopping anytime soon.

"It's enough that I let them come along. There's no way she's getting her hands on this kid, or that kid." He points at Ana who smiles and waves. "Move away now." Alden tells Selene and Mary. Selene rolls her eyes but they both take a few steps backwards. "Just try rubbing the back of his head.." Mary tries to speak but Alden yells at her "I thought I told you to be quiet!"

"Just try rubbing the back of his head very gently and very slowly. And keep making shushing noises right into his ear, over and over." Mary says. Alden seemed annoyed but he did what Mary had said. Mary takes a few steps forward again "Let me try." Alden looks at Kelly and Kelly looks at him before she looks at Mary and Selene.

"We're not gonna hurt him." Selene says, her voice sounded somewhat assuring. Alden nods "Okay.." he then slowly placed Adam into Mary's hands. The second he handed Adam to Mary, Mary started bouncing him and Adam stopped crying. Adam reached out to touch Mary's face and Selene smiled. Mary starts walking again with Selene following, along with Alden and Kelly.

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