Death By A Thousand Cuts

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Season 10, episode 11

Alden looks outside the gates when he sees people on horses and carts coming over. He grabs his binoculars and looks through them "Ana...who's with them?" He hands the binoculars to Earl who looks through them.

"Never seen her before."

"Alexanderia taking in another stray? Letting her near my girl without telling me?"

"No, they gotta be locked down."

"Well, they've brought 'em to us before."

The car door opens and Ana hops out running over to Alden. He hugs her and picks her up with a smile "Hi Ana." She smiles at him "Hi daddy." Alden puts her back down and ruffles her hair. "Ana, do you know who she is?" Alden points at Mary and she nods.

"That's Mary! She escaped from Alpha. Uncle Aaron said she's been helping them out." Alden nods. "Go over to Jude, Gracie, and RJ. I'm gonna talk to Uncle Aaron." Ana smiles and nods as she runs off.

After a few minutes she ended up being with Kelly and her friends since she couldn't find Judith and the others. Ana sat next to Luke with her legs infront of her flat on the ground.

"Kel, this is nuts. You can hardly walk." Luke tells her. "I'm not leaving my sister and Nyla out there." She says to him. "I'm going with you guys." Luke turns to Yumiko "Miko, help me out here." Ana was listening to everything they were saying.

"What was the last thing Magna said to you?" Yumiko asks Kelly and turns to her. "Why does it matter? We're getting 'em back." Ana sees Jerry waiting for them and she smiles and waves at him "Hi Jerry!" He waves back and smiles "Hi princess."

Yumiko walks over to Kelly "Yeah, and what if we don't? You know? All we're ever gonna know is that damn ceiling caved in." Kelly stands up and turns to Yumiko, annoyed. "If you think that they're dead, why are you coming with us?"

They hear a motorcycle engine and all turn to face it. Daryl comes in with Lydia. "Any sign of them?" Ana runs over to Lydia and Lydia gives her a small hug. "We didn't get that far." Daryl days. "What do you mean? What happened?" Kelly asks confused.

Daryl grunts as he gets off the motorcycle "We gotta talk." Daryl says. "D, I'm sorry. We gotta find out people, man." Kelly looks back at Daryl. "No. You can't go out there." Lydia steps forward a bit and Ana goes to stand next to Daryl.

"My mother's coming."


"We've got a little unsolicited advice.." Negan says and him and Selene walk up to Alpha. "Everyones favorite kind, I know, but we can't help ourselves. And maybe we thought of an idea that you haven't yet."

Alpha glares at them and Negan continues. "I respect a well-deserved massacre. Some people...they just have it coming. And I get why you want to take out Hilltop and Alexandria. It would would feel good. But you know what might feel goddamm fantastic?"

Selene looks at Negan confused. They stay silent for a bit and Alpha looks forward again before Negan speaks up "Getting those assholes to surrender, bend a knee. Alpha, we can get them to join us."

"Explain. But not you, her. She explains." Negan looks at Selene and elbows her. "I- it's really all Negans idea he just wanted me to-" Alpha cuts her off. "Explain or I'll throw you our there with them."

"Well um, I know Daryl. I can talk to him and maybe try to convince him to join? Im- I'm no his good side, so far." Alpha looks at Selene. "Well then do it, and soon." Selene nods "Yes, Alpha."

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