Eyes Dont Lie

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Season 9, episode 8

"Auntie auntie auntie!"

Ana shakes Nyla until she wakes up.

"What what?" She asks. "Mommy is back!" Ana says. Nyla quickly gets up and walks outside with Ana. She quickly runs to Lila and hugs her not even noticing anyone else. "Hi Ny." Lila says.

When they stop hugging Nyla notices Daryl. She doesn't even know how to react. All she does is hug him, she doesn't know if she should be happy or angry at him. Daryl holds her in his arms "I missed you, so much, I'm sorry I never visited." He says when she pulls away from the hug.

"Where's Jesus?" Daryl and Lila look at eachother and slowly move revealing Jesus's dead body. She sees his body and then a girl with a blind fold. "..just make sure Ana doesn't see, you know she loved him." Nyla says with her voice cracking.

Daryl brings the blindfolded girl to the cells. "Oh Lila we have new people by the way." Nyla says while walking with Lila. "Mommy!" Ana runs to Lila and Lila picks her up. "An you're staying with daddy tonight, ok?" Lila says and Ana nods.

"Ok so Alden is the dad right? Or am I wrong?"

"You're right."

Nyla smiles and sees Kelly "Hi kells." Nyla waves at Kelly. Kelly makes a face and motions for her to come here. Nyla rolls her eyes "I'll see you tonight Lila. Bye bye Ana!" She says whole walking away. "Yessss?" She asks Kelly when she gets there.

"Did you just call me kells?" She asks confused. Nyla nods. "Is that bad?" Kelly shakes her head. "Good."


"Kel-lie?" Ana asks. "Nope. Kel-lee" Kelly says. "Hmmmm I'm just gonna call you Ms. K!" Kelly smiles and nods. Kelly notices Nyla and stares at her. "Stop staring at herrrrr." Ana says.

"I am not!" Kelly looks at Ana. "Yuh uh!" Ana says. "Nuh uh!" Kelly responds. "Fine. If I braid your hair will you leave it alone?" Ana nods with a smile. "Alright turn around I'll braid your hair." Nyla turns around and Kelly starts braiding her hair.

They're no more than friends. At least that's what Kelly and Nyla say.

Nyla walks over to them "Hi kells, and Ana." She says with a smile. "Where were you?" Kelly asks. "I was talking to the blindfolded kid, her names Lydia apparently she's the kid of the leader so that's not good." She replies.

Kelly looks up at her while still braiding Ana's hair. It's like the second Kelly made eye contact with her Nyla lost her words.

"You good?"

"Hm? Oh yea. I like your eyes kells they're pretty."

Kelly smiles and looks back at Ana's hair continuing to braid it. "How are you dealing with the, you know? Jesus?" Kelly asks. "I mean I haven't had much time to process it so I'm fine so far I guess!" Kelly nods.

"Alright well I'm gonna go meet up with Lila now. Bye bye!" Nyla waves and walks off.

"Yea 'just friends' friends don't look at friends that way Ms.K!"


"Uh Nyla you might wanna come up here." Tara says and Nyla climbs up the ladder. "What the fuck, is that Lydia's group?" Tara nods. "I just want my daughter." A lady without a Masi says.

"She looks like caillou.." Nyla mumbles and Tara elbows her. "Two of your people for one of mine!" Nyla realizes it's Lydia's mother, alpha. A person from the group takes two peoples masks off revealing Alden and Luke.

"Dad..it's connie over there." Nyla whispers to Daryl. "And a baby." She points out. The baby starts crying and walkers get closer. That baby's mother puts the baby on the ground. "What the fuck." Nyla looks at Daryl, Daryl thinking the same thing. "I'll go find Lydia." Daryl says and quickly walks off.

Nyla following him down taking the secret exit to get Connie, her crossbow over her shoulder. She hears the crying get closer and someone rushing through the field. Nyla sees connie and someone behind her with a knife. They go to stab Connie but Nyla shoots them in the head with the crossbow.

"Shit never done that before." She mumbles.

She grabs Connie's hand and leads her back inside Hilltop making sure to avoid people. Once they get in Nyla quickly closes the secret door and Connie is trying to get the baby to stop crying.

Nyla watches Daryl lead Lydia out the gates and Luke and Alden come in. Nyla walks up to them and hugs Alden. "You okay? Did they hurt you?" She asks. "We're fine." Alden says with a small smile.

"Good! Just saying if you ever leave I'm hunting you down." Nyla says jokingly. She looks over her shoulder to see Kelly with Ana.

"Do you like her?"

"Who? Kelly? No we're just friends. That's all."

Nyla looks at Alden again "Just friends." She says again. "Mhm sure." Alden nods. "I'm being serious Alden!" She says smiling.

"Come on! Have you seen the way you look at her?" Nyla looks confused. "Eyes don't lie Ny!" Alden says. "Whatever." She replies. "Bye bye." She waves and walks off.

What if he's right?

Maybe she does like Kelly.

But Kelly doesn't feel the same.

Eyes don't lie,
that's shit.






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