1 step forward, 3 steps back

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Season 10, episode 9

After Carol's screaming at Alpha, Nyla was sitting on the group staring at the cut on her leg. She tried covering it up but it started to bleed through her leg.

When Kelly walks over Nyla quickly covers her leg but Kelly sighs and kneels down infront of her. "Show me." Nyla moves her bag away from her leg so that Kelly can see. "It's fine, its not that bad."

"Yes it is. Ny ny, if we're gonna get out of this cave you need your leg bandaged, okay?" Nyla smiles a bit and nods. "Do you have any bandages?" Nyla shakes her head "No. Maybe mom does, ask Carol."

Kelly nods in agreement "I'll be back, love." Before Nyla can react to the name, Kelly goes asking for bandages. Jerry who heard everything looks over at her and speaks up in a teasing tone "Love?"

Nyla looks up at Jerry "Say anything and I'll slam your head into a wall." Jerry's smile slowly fades "Yes ma'am. I'll just uh I'll go to Aaron." Nyla smiles at him "Bye bye Jar!" He smiles back and waves "Bye bye princess." Nyla rolls her eyes and then he walks off.

Before he left he helped Nyla stand up and walk to the edge of the rocks. She kneeled down next to Connie, who was using her slingshot to kill the walkers, and she pulled out her knife stabbing one in the head. Magna was trying to climb up the wall but she looked like a crazy person to Nyla.

Nyla only stabbed the walkers that were trying to climb. Last time she saw climbing walkers was 12 years ago, it's how she met Rick. Magna yells out when she falls down and Nyla turns her attention to them. "You okay?" Nyla asks and Daryl helps Magna up.

"I almost had it." Magna gets up and puts her hand out for Nyla. Nyla takes her hand and stands back up as well, backing away from the edge and gently pulling Connie with her. "Nah, it's too high. You risk breaking your neck. We need to find a better way." Daryl tells Magna.

Nyla hated agreeing with him but she still nodded and Magna sighed. The growling only grew louder when everyone uses their flashlights to look for a way out. Nyla stops her flashlight in a certain place and Aaron walks over to her. "You got something?" He asks her.

"The groundwater is deeper in here. The waters coming from outside the cave." She looks at Aaron who is focused on what she's saying. "I don't see a way across?" Carol sayd out loud. Nyla moves her flashlight but Aaron puts it back to where it was "Go back."

She looks at him confused before she realizes and smiles. "We can use the rocks to jump across, right?" Aaron nods. Kelly's smile fades and she speaks up "Wait. For real?" Nyla looks over to Kelly. "We'll be fine. Just, don't fall." She smiles at Kelly. "Oh wow, thanks."

Nyla puts a thumbs up and playfully winks at Kelly before she turns back forward and shines her flashlight over a rock. Kelly smiles a bit and Connie elbows her, making a face to Kelly. "Don't." Kelly signs to her sister.

Nyla puts her flashlight in her belt loop and Aaron starts speaking again "Alright." Daryl pulls his knife out "You ready?" He asks all of them. No one responds and he just says to go. Daryl is the first one to jump over to the rock. Nyla wasn't sure if she could with her leg but she was gonna be the last one, just incase.

After Daryl was Carol. Nyla ran up to a climbing walker and stabbed it in its head. Right after Carol was Magna. Magna shoved a walkers head into a rock and Nyla elbows Jerry "She's good." Jerry nods. Aaron stabs a walker in its head and Jerry jumps onto a rock right after Magna.

"How's the ankle?" Connie signs to Kelly. "I'll be fine." Nyla was watching them closely. Connie jumped on a rock and Kelly looked over at Nyla. "Hey, you've got this kells. It's really not as scary as it seems and I'm like terrified of heights..well and walkers." Kelly smiles a bit and nods at her before looking forward and jumping onto the rock after Connie.

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