No Time to Die

225 7 57

Season 9, episode 15

"Yeaaaa we get to return Henry today!"

"The fuck you mean return him?"

"You know what I mean Lila."

Lila smiles. "Whatever let's just get in the thing cart whatever it is." Lila gets in and Nyla helps Ana and Kelly in before getting in herself. Daryl gets in the front with Siddiq and they start going to the kingdom with people following.

Ana is playing with Kelly and Nyla and Lila are talking. "Ny if anything happens to me-" Nyla cuts her off "Don't say that."

"Just listen to me Ny, if anything happens to me I need you to always protect Ana and make her happy." Nyla nods. "Yea, I'll look after her." Lila smiles and says ok.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you with Beta. If it was there I would've done anything to protect you so that wouldn't happen." Lila says. "I don't wanna talk about that." Nyla looks up at her. "Yea, ok sorry." Lila nods.

"So what are you gonna be doing at the fair thingy?" Lila asks. "I'm going to be helping Siddiq and Enid with the med stuff. It's actually kinda fun." Nyla says with a smile. "Well I'm gonna be taking Ana around to play the games, help her get Eugune soaking wet." Nyla laughs and looks down smiling.

"It's cold. It's always cold in autumn."

Kelly looks over at them.

"What ya talking abouttt." Ana copies Kelly's question. "We're talking about the fair." Lila says with a smile. Nyla lays her head on Kelly's shoulder. Kelly tenses up at first but slowly relaxes and puts Nylas hand in hers.

Lila smiles at them. "Grandpa how much more timeeee." Ana asks Daryl. Siddiq laughs at hearing 'grandpa' and Daryl stares at him making him stop. "Just an hour Ana." He tells her. Ana lays down with her head in her moms lap and falls asleep.

"Damn she can sleep fast."




Alden turns his head to the other vehicle.

"Yes Ny?" Nyla gets closer and basically stretches across vehicles trying to get close. "Do you wanna hear a joke?" Alden nods. "Ok why do we tell actors to break a leg?" Alden stares at her "Why?"

"Because every play needs a cast." Alden smiles and laughs "That's dumb." Nyla smiles "Yea but it made you laugh." Before Nyla can speak again Daryl yells. "Nyla talk to people in your own vehicle you can talk to Alden at the kingdom" Nyla gets back in her seat.

Kelly smiles at her.

"Thanks again for the book kells."

Nyla looks at Kelly. "You're welcome." Nyla smiles at her. Lila stares at them. "What?" Nyla asks. "You guys seem like- nevermind I'll tell you later." Lila says and Nyla nods. "Alright 5 more minutes."

"5 minutes to long." Daryl rolls his eyes. "Siddiq you still owe me a medical lesson." Siddiq glances back at her.

"I was hoping you'd forget."


"Alright we're here."

Kelly gets out and helps Nyla, Lila, and Ana out.

"Nyla you're with me." Siddiq says. Nyla nods and follows him. When they go through the gates Carol and Ezekiel run to hug Henry. Siddiq, Enid, and Nyla walk past them.

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