All I Want

119 5 6

Season 10, episode 10.


There is a part in it where it has sh in the first part and there will also be sa in this chapter so u can skip it ofc if ur not comfortable with it


Daryl watches as a Whisperer takes her mask off, her back facing him. She looks like she's almost 30. She has short dark hair that's up in a ponytail and she throws the mask to the ground groaning.

Daryl follows her every move quietly. Not wanting her to hear him. She pulls and arrow out of a walkers head and looks at it for a bit before she turns around and throws it at Daryl's face. Daryl was a few feet behind her and quickly moved to the side, not expecting it.

When she goes to run Daryl grabs her and puts his knife to her neck. "What's your name. And don't give me that no name Bullshit" He says. "Selene. Selene Sinclair people call me lene." Daryl's grip on her softens a bit.

"Do you have any weapons?" Selene nods. "Well if you count this one." Before Daryl can look she turns around and punches him in the nose causing his nose to bleed and he winces in pain.

"Look I'd love to stay but I gotta go so, bye bye." Selene's voice has almost an Irish accent and he runs off and away from Daryl. Hearing him say "what the fuck?" As she walks off. Daryl obviously tried following her but quickly hid behind a tree when he saw Negan go up to her.

"You, Whisperer lady." Selene rolls her eyes and turns to him "Yes Negan?" Her voice has a hint of annoyance in it. She runs her hand through her hair "You remind me of someone who use to work for me before I like got in their dumb jail. Alden Sutton, you act like him."

"Ok?" Negan sighs "He didn't know the truth of what we were doing. Like you don't know the truth about what Alpha is doing." Selene looks at her confused "What's Alpha doing?" Selene didn't really care that much. She hadn't cared since she lost her son, but she was still curious.

"Alpha killed people. Killed them infront of two people just for one to be found dead a year later. She put the heads on pikes and now she's torturing the community as if they haven't done enough." Selenes eyes widen and she crosses her arms "What? No, no this group isn't like that."

Negan grabs Selene's arm and rolls her sleeve up, revealing every single mark from Alpha "Really? Then why does everyone here have this?" Selene gulps but it's not very noticeable and she pulls her arms away. "That's different. That's if we don't listen to her, but she doesn't kill people."

"Selene, I'm trying to help you. You have to get out of here while you can. Do you hear me?" She stares at him for a bit before shaking her head. "No. I can't, they took me in when I was at my lowest. I'm not leaving."

"And what happened to you before you joined the Whisperers?" He asks her. "I was with my son. He died a year in the apocalypse, everything..I mean everything I went through he was standing there by my side. I joined groups and they fell apart. But this group isn't like the other ones."

"What would your son think? If he knew you stayed here with a group that killed innocent people? That you let people hurt you? And that you do it to yourself?" Not only did Selene not like that response but Daryl who was watching behind a tree, hearing everything, tightened the grip on his knife.

"I don't hurt myself if that's what you're saying, Negan." Negan scoffs. "Don't lie to me. I know the difference between abuse and self harm." He tells her. "I don't fucking know what type of drugs you're on but I don't fucking do that." She snaps at him and he rolls his eyes.

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