More Than Friends

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Season 10, episode 1

"Watch your ranks. Watch your files." A man calls out. You can hear the waves, it's basically the only thing you can hear. "To the right." The walkers are pretty loud as well. And the metal moving around.

"And halt. Drop. Archers. Retreat! Right and march." Nyla absolutely hated doing this but she knew she had to. But they didn't really need her unless things went wrong so that made her feel a little better.

"Archers regroup." The walkers growling just get louder by the second. "Formation, and halt. Spears. Thrust!" This was dumb. Just open the door and kill the dumb things like we always did.

"And halt." After he stops talking a woman speaks up. Nylas assuming it's Michonne she can't really see "Open ranks." Nyla gets closer to see what's happening and gets her crossbow ready. "It's about to get real yall, Everyone steady." Michonne says.

"Don't forget your training!" It wasn't really training it was just throwing us out there and seeing what we did.

It was dumb
but it helped.


They've finally finished 'training'. Nylas in a room with Aaron and others. The static from the radio starts getting louder. "What, are they back?" Nyla asks. Aaron's never seen her so worried. Who wouldn't be worried? The whispers killed people, they killed Lila.

"We don't know." The person on the radio says. "But Alexanderia should go on lockdown just incase." They continue. Michonne finally speaks up "Hold on. We don't have evidence to justify that. My official recommendation is that everyone should stay on alert until further notice. Eyes and ears open. That's it." She let's go of the button.

"Copy that, over and out." The person over the radio says. "Sounds good. Over and out." Michonne looks back at them. "I appreciate your caution, and I get it, but we do not need to start a panic. A lot of stuff washed up ashore from the recent storm. Th-This might not mean anything." Nyla sighs.

"Or it might mean something. Look, no one saw Alpha's herd move out, so maybe no one saw them move back in. But if there's a mask, maybe there are other signs of them out there." Aaron says. "We owe it to our people to be sure." Nyla looks down. She doesn't know who to agree with but they're both looking at her for an answer.

They both know what it means to her so she should get a say in this. "Let's go with Michonnes idea first I guess. But if anything else happens remotely close to the Whisperers we do a lockdown." Both Michonne and Aaron nod.



"Yes Ny?"

"Are we the bad guys? I mean I've been thinking about it." Michonne stops what she's doing and looks at her. "Why have you been thinking about it?" She asks Nyla. "I mean we've killed people and we've had reasons yea but we've also killed innocent people that were just doing what they were told to stay alive." Nyla says.

Michonne sighs. "I'm not going to say no. But it's not a yes. We might be the bad guy in someone else's story but not on purpose, ok?" Nyla nods.

"Now go to Ana, or your girlfriend and her sister." Nyla rolls her eyes and starts walking away. "Kelly's not my girlfriend!" She says while walking and Michonne smiles.



"Ana found it by the estuary. River must've carried it down. What does this mean? Are they back?" Nyla asks worried. "We don't know but Alexandria should go on lockdown incase." Aaron says. They look at Michonne. "Hold on. We don't have evidence to justify that. My official recommendation is that everyone should stay on alert until further notice."

"But Michonne we agreed on-" Michonne cuts Nyla off. "No you and Gabriel agreed. I didn't." Nyla just stares at her. She know she can't do shit about it so she just walks out the room.

Why does she always have to listen?

Michonne didn't have to see her sister get killed.

So why should she listen to Michonne?


Dog runs to Kelly and Connie. "Go get dog." Daryl tells Nyla. He waves at Connie and Kelly and they wave back to Daryl, Kelly makes a face to Connie. Nyla saw it while walking towards them to get Dog. Connie pushes Kelly and pets dog.

"Hey Ny." Kelly says when Nyla gets close enough. Nyla grabs Dog "Hi kells." She waves at Connie with a smile and Connie waves back. "Are they back?" Connie signs and Kelly translates.

"The Whisperers?" Nyla asks and Connie nods. "We don't know. I hope not I don't think I can deal with them again." Connie looks to Kelly for a translation but Kelly hesitates.

She finally translates it and Connie looks back at Nyla, almost like she's saying sorry. "Alright well I have to get Dog back to Daryl, see you guys later?" Kelly nods and smiles.

Nyla smiles back at her and waves bye. "Come on Dog!" She says as she starts walking with Dog running after her.

Connie signs to Kelly "She's pretty, come on we know I know you like her."

Kelly rolls her eyes and signs back.

"Just friends."


"Hey Ny, can I talk to you?"

"Uh yea what's up?"

Daryl walks up to her. "I wanted to ask you about the whisperers? How easy were they to kill some." Nyla looks up from her book and at him. "I mean I didn't kill any I just kinda fought them."

"Well how easy was it?" Nyla hesitates before answering "It was easier fighting her group then it was trying to fight Alpha. I mean they were strong but really easy to fight. Why?" Daryl looks at her "We think they might be back. I know you were told that it's probably nothing but we found a mask not to far away."

"When we were cleaning up the fire we saw it." Nyla looks down. "I thought they weren't coming unless we cross the borders." Nyla says. "Yeah that's what we thought."

"Look I'm going to go to Carol, if you need anything come straight to me alright?" Nyla nods and Daryl walks away. She closes her book and just sits there. Ana comes up while holding Kelly's hand, dragging her.


"Yes Ana?"

"Can we swim now? You promised!" Nyla smiles "Go down to the beach with someone I'll be there in a minute." Ana looks up at Kelly. "Hey I'm not that someone I'm gonna stay here." Ana runs off to find someone.

"You alright?" Nyla asks. "Yea! She's been dragging me around all day. What about you? I heard what Daryl said." Nyla looks at her. "I'll be fine. As long as I don't start seeing things I'll be alright!" Nyla smiles. "There's one more thing I wanted to talk about."

"What is it?" Nyla looks confused waiting for Kelly to answer. "Actually it's not that important." She mumbles. "Ok? I'm gonna go to Ana now before she freaks out." Kelly nods and waves bye while Nyla walks off.

'Not important'?

She knew she wanted to tell Nyla
she just didn't know how.

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