I Can See You

203 7 57

Season 10, Episode 4

Ana runs through the door "Auntie Ny!!" Alden comes in behind her. Ana shakes Nyla awake. Nyla groans and wakes up. She rubs her eyes while sitting up "Yes? Hm?" She looks at Alden and smiles then brings her attention back to Ana. "Daddy wants to talk to you! Oh and I want one your shirts!" Nyla smiles at her. "Ok get a shirt from one the drawers and I'll talk to your dad." Ana nods and runs to Nylas wardrobe.

Alden walks up to her "So Gabriel told me about the poison Ivy in your eyes. And he told Kelly and Daryl and others you're close with. So what the fuck happened?" Nyla looks around a bit before answering "Negan pushed a walker with poison Ivy on me." He smiles a bit "Wait so Negan threw a walker on you and you didn't do anything about it?" He laughs a bit. "Well-- i--" Alden cuts her off. "I'm kidding. Now get changed and meet me outside. Come on Ana. Oh and she's staying with you tonight by the way." Nyla nods and Alden and Ana leave the room.

She sighs and looks around a bit before standing up and walking to the wardrobe. While she's changing Kelly walks in. "Shit sorry I didn't know." Kelly covers her eyes and starts walking back out. "It's fine kells I don't care." She says while putting her shirt on and Kelly slowly walks back in. "What did you need?" She asks Kelly. "Um well I forgot now." Nyla smiles. "Alright come back when you remember I'm about to go outside with Alden." Kelly nods and walks back out the room.

After a few minutes Nyla finishes getting ready and struggles trying to put her Converse on. She gets up and puts her rings and earrings on and walks out the room closing the door behind her. She walks outside and over to Alden, Ana's playing with Jerry's kids. "How you holding up? With the Whisperers being back?" Nyla asks breaking the silence. "Oh I'm great, you?"

"I'm alright."

"You sure Ny?"


"Auntie Ny Ny!"

Nyla turns her head in confusion and picks up Ana who was running towards her with open arms and a big smile. "Hi Ana. Hey where'd Ny Ny come from?" Ana has the biggest smile ever. "Ms. K told me to call you that!" Nyla smiles "Ms. K huh?" She looks over at Kelly who smiles and waves. She looks back at Ana again "Well I like it. Does that mean I can call you Anabear?" Ana nods. Alden smiles at them. "I'll be back I'm gonna go help with Adam, can you watch Ana for me?" Nyla nods and Alden smiles and walks off.

Nyla places Ana back down letting her run off to continue playing with Jerry's kids and Kelly walking over to Nyla. "Ny Ny huh?" Nyla says as Kelly walks over. Kelly smiles at her and looks down with her hands in her pockets "What you don't like it?" Kelly asks. "No I do, it's cute just wondering why that's all."

"Well I wanted something dumb to call you." Nyla smiles. "Did you figure out what you needed yet?" Kelly shakes her head. "No..sorry again." Nyla smiles.

"I already told you it's fine." Alden comes back.

"See you later kells?"



Nyla's sitting on the bench with Ana infront of her. She's braiding Ana's hair while Ana starts falling asleep since it's so quiet. "You know I use to braid Judes hair." Ana gets startled awake and Nyla smiles. "Cousin Judith?" She asks. "Mhm. When she was your age I use to be with her 24/7. Maybe you'll see her again soon." Ana smiles. "I miss Jude."

"You'll see hee next time I go to Alexandria. If your dad let's you come with me." "And aunt Rosie and her baby coco?" Nyla smiles and finishes braiding Ana's hair. "Yes and aunt Rosie and coco." Ana smiles and turns to face her. "Where is your dad?" Nyla asks. "He's doing the tools!" Nyla nods.

Alden comes over to them and hands Nyla a ring. "What's this?" She asks confused. "A ring. They're matching one for you and one for me. I just made them." He says putting it on. Nyla smiles and puts the ring on. "Thank you." Alden nods and before walking off he says "You're welcome."

She looks down smiling as he walks off and Ana turns to her. Breaking the silence Ana speaks up "What's a gays?" Nyla turns to her "What?" "I heard Adam's dad talk about something called the gays." Nyla's smile fades a bit. "It's a person that likes the same gender." Ana nods "So you?" Nyla nods "Mhm. So was Aunt Tara and Uncle Jesus and Uncle Aaron. And Ms. K." Ana nods again. "Adam's dad was acting like it was a bad thing and daddy got mad at him. He said it was fine to be the gays." Nyla smiles.

"It is An. You'll learn more when you're older love."


"Nyla! The tree fell. It landed on a building and it's on fire and-- Ana's in it." Kelly rushes into Nylas room to tell her. Nyla looks up at her and places her book down jumping to her feet running out the room. When she's out she can see Jerry and Ezekiel getting people in and out the building with fire everywhere, other people killing walkers. She runs inside.


The second she enters she feels like she's burning alive and can hear coughing and what sounds like a muffled voice saying 'auntie ny ny' she follows the voice to find Ana. "Nyla hurry up I can't hold it any longer!" She hears Jerry yell out loud. Ana's passed out of the floor and Nyla quickly picks her up. "Shit shit shit shit shit..." she says to herself while trying to find the exit and carrying Ana.

She starts coughing and grabbing onto things burning herself trying to find the way out. She finally finds the way out and quickly gets away from the building. Alden runs towards them "Is she okay!? Are you okay!? You don't look okay.." he says worried. Still coughing she responds "I'm fine. Get Ana to the infirmary." Alden takes Ana from Nyla hands and quickly walks off.

Kelly walks over to her and places her hands on Nylas face "For fucks sake Nyla...are you okay? Are you burned or some shit?" She asks. Nyla places her hands on Kelly's hands and moves them off of her face "I'm fine. Surprisingly I'm actually quite cold." She tells her. Kelly takes her jacket off and puts it over Nyla. "Look we're gonna get you water. Ana will stay the night in the infirmary and you can sleep in my room. Don't even worry about the fire and sickos we've got it under control just come on." Nyla nods and follows her.

They walk into the room and Kelly has her sit on the bed then kneels down infront of her. Kelly hands her a bottle of water and places both her hands on her knees "Here." Nyla takes it from her. She opens it up and takes a sip of the water. "Good. Okay get some sleep now alright?" Kelly stands up and kisses Nyla on the top her head and walks to the door. "Kelly."


"...I love you."

Kelly smiles.

"I love you too."

You guys been begging me to give Kelly and Nyla a happy moment this season so I did ig

5 more episodes until Nyla is in the cave and she gets to be with cannibals!!! Mb

Btw if you can't find my spotify acc (same user as wp) there is a part somewhere in the fic where I give the spotify code :)

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