Step On Me

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Season 10, episode 5


Daryl turns to look at her.


"Wheres kells? Connie's been asking me for like 10 minutes or so." Daryl shrugs. "Ny we gotta talk about you two." Nyla looks at him confused. "You like her right?" he asks. "I don't like her. Not like that i mean she's-" Daryl cuts her off "Come on i've seen you two its obvious. Or do you just like the idea of being with someone cause I see how you look at Rosita and Gabriel, and how you looked at Magna and Yumiko." Nyla sighs "You tell Connie and I'll tell Kelly" Daryl stares at her.

"I don't like Connie. Alright if you don't wanna talk about Kelly how about we talk about that night?" Nyla's smile slowly disappears. "What night?" She asks. "You know what I'm talking about. The night she died." She looks around "Does it matter?" Daryl nods "look I ain't forcing you but ya gotta talk about soon." Nyla nods and looks down "Yea..maybe later." She smiles and he nods. "Ok."

Daryl hugs her "You know you can talk to me about--" Nyla pushes him away and cuts him off "Don't. Just don't you always say that. You said it to Beth but then mocked her for trying to kill herself and you said it to mom and she's dead. So don't even." Daryl stares at her for a bit "Ny I know how you feel." She rolls her eyes "But you don't. I don't know if you think that makes me feel better but it fucking doesn't."

"Fine. Fine then its your problem Nyla." She looks over her shoulder "No you're right! It's my problem if I'm afraid to open up! And it's my problem if I wanna fucking die be cause none of you understand!" She yells at him and walks away. The people that were outside turn to look at Daryl and watches Nyla storm off.

"Um she's fine."


"Normally, my chief concern would be the hidden beauty of the grain, but with quantity being of the essence, rift qnd quarter sawing it'll be." Nyla looks at Eugene confused. Yumiko walks over to the group. "Happy to recapitulate." Nyla looks at Eugene one more time before turning her attention to Yumiko. "Oh, no, no, just checking in. Y'all good?" Nyla looks over to Alden. "Eugunes come up with a zero-waste plan." He looks up at Nyla hoping he could finish her sentence.

"Yeah he claims he can use every cubic inch of the tree..including the bark." Nyla finishes. "Seems as good a time as any to master the Pueblo art of basket weaving." Eugune adds and Nyla crosses her arms leaning against Alden. Yumiko nods and starts walking but Alden stands up and goes after her causing Nyla to fall to the side. "Hey, uh, before you head off-" Alden gets cut off with the sound of Nyla falling as the group turns their attention to her.

"You alright dixon?" Adam's dad or who Alden calls Earl, asks. "I'm great." She replies. Alden smiles a bit and turns his attention back to Yumiko "Earl and I were talking." Alden continues with what he was saying. Earl walks by Eugene and Nyla to get with Alden and Yumiko. Nyla and Earl exchange a dirty look before Eugene elbows Nyla as a way of telling her to stop.

"Instead of using the extra wood for the addition, what if we made some weapons?" Alden asks catching not only Yumikos attention but Nylas as well. "You know, big ones, defensive, couple of catapults for the north wall." Yumiko nods "Yeah. Yeah, no, look," she cuts Alden off and Nyla makes a face. Nyla didn't really like Yumiko but she didn't dislike her. "I think it's a good idea, honestly, just not right now," Alden puts his hands on his hips.

"Not with half the kingdom still in tents." Earl looks down and Alden nods "Okay. I get it...but what about what Ny thinks?" The three look at Nyla. "Well, Nyla, what do you think?" Yumiko asks. "I mean, the Whisperers smash a hole in our wall-" Yumiko cuts Nyla off "Yeah, well, we don't know it was them for sure." Nyla glares at her "And now they're throwing walkers at us every couple hours and we're just gonna sit here and deal with it? They almost killed Ana!" Yumiko nods "Yes I know that but-"

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