~The Last Christmas~

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First term was finally over not much had happened. My tummy began to get round and big, Rainy spent most of her time gushing over it, Draco was barely around but when he was he couldn’t keep his hands off me. Christmas break started tomorrow and Draco was supposed to come spend break with me. We were going to find out the sex of the baby by the end of the break and I was so excited.  

I was excited to see him, and excited to know what we were having. Part of me wanted there to be twins, a boy and a girl. But Draco wanted one, a boy, he had a name picked out and everything. I would be happy with either as long as he or she was healthy.

“You know, you could come with me and Blaise.” Rainy said sitting down across from me at the table.

“I doubt you want a hormonal pregnant girl tagging along with you on your romantic couple wedding.” I said sadly.

“Why don’t you and Draco go to your cottage?” Rainy suggested.

“That’s a good idea!” I squealed. “I didn’t even think about it.”

“Well, now’s a perfect time to talk about it.” She said looking towards the doors of the Great Hall.

“Why?” I asked. She pointed behind me and I saw Draco walking towards us. Bags were under his eyes and his face was rock hard and cold. I smiled when I saw him, no matter how bad he looked, I was happy to see him. I stood up from my seat and raced towards him. I flung my arms around his neck as I jumped into his open arms. I folded his arms around my back and held me to him.

“Stormy.” He whispered. “I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you too.” I said kissing him lightly on the cheek.

“How have you and the little one been doing?” he asked.

“Good, he’s starting to move around a bit.” I said placing my hand on my stomach.

“He?” Draco asked confused. “How do you know it’s a he?”

“I don’t, just a guess.” I said smiling at him, he smiled back and walked with me over to Rainy and Blaise.

Christmas went by fast Draco and I spent our time in our small cabin. That’s right, our cabin! After my last term at Hogwarts is over Draco and I are moving in and raising our baby together. But today, today Draco and I are spending our time in the infirmary and Hogwarts to find out the sex of the baby. Part of me doesn’t want to know, I want it to be a surprise, but the other half wants to know so bad. I guess it’s up to Draco.

“So, it’s up to you guys.” Madame Pomfery said sitting down. “Do you want to know the sex of your baby?”

“I want it to be a surprise.” Draco said. She then turned to look at me; I nodded my head in agreement with Draco. I could wait four more months to find out.

And let me tell you those four months would go by so slow. I kissed Draco goodbye, seeing as to how he had to get back to the manor and prepare for the final battle.

“I love you Draco.” I said and kissed him.

“Come back with me Stormy!” he begged. “You and the baby will be a lot safer.”

“I can’t. I’m safe here, for now.” I said. “You should go.”

“I love you so much.” He said and kissed me one last time.


I’m so sorry it’s so short. But I am preparing for the end, it will be a long and sad end, I hope you guys stick with me throughout it. I am taking this time to thank all of my fans and everyone that is reading this story. I hope you don’t kill me when it’s over. It will be a difficult end for me to write. So just bare with me, the next chapter will be up shortly.


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