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The platinum-blonde haired boy watched as the boy with dark hair kissed the only girl he has ever cared about. The anger boiled inside him, he wanted more than anything to go punch the boy in the face but his friend stopped him before he did anything harmful.
“Just ignore it Draco.” The dark skinned boy said from in front of him


Charles crashed his lips onto mine but before I could register what was happening it was over. He rested his fore head against my own, I could smell his breath, it smelled just like peppermint, sweet and cool.

“Why did you do that?” I asked.

“It got him to stop watching didn’t it?” Charles said looking over at the table. My eyes glanced over to where he was looking and Malfoy was talking to Blaise, the once more he turned to look in my direction. Our eyes locked for a short second before I looked away.

“Yeah but not for long.” I said.

We gave Charles a ride back to his place before we went back to the Malfoy Manor.

“I guess I’ll see you later.” Charles said before getting out of the limo.

“Yeah, see you at school.” I said before pecking him on the cheek. He smirked before closing the door.

“Somebody’s got a crush on my cousin.” Willow said scooting over next to me.

“Oh and who would that be?” I asked, not having any idea what she was talking about.

“You know who that is Stormy.” She said eyeing me. She gave an innocent look and looked at the floor.

“Psh, no.” I said.

“Oh give it up already Carmichael we know you do, just admit it already!” Malfoy yelled once we pulled into the driveway.

“What’s your problem?!” I asked.

“You are, we all know what you are trying to do!” he yelled.

“And what would that be Malfoy, since you seem to know everything that goes on in my life!” I demanded.

“You are trying to piss me off and you can stop because it’s working!!” he yelled.

“Get over yourself Malfoy!” I screamed getting out of the limo and walking into the house. I walked upstairs to my room and slammed the door behind me.

A few minutes later Rainy came into my room and closed the door before sitting down on the bed.

“Are you really trying to piss him off?” she asked.

“No and if I was I won’t use someone to do it, it’s easier to piss him off then you might think.” I said.

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