~The Final Battle~

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Two months to go and my belly was bigger than a quaffle. I could barely tie my shoe by myself; Rainy had to help me most of the time. I was ready for the baby to be here and the summer to be over. Draco was also ready, he snuck away from the manor as much as he could during the night so he could stay with me and make sure I was okay. I kept trying to get me to get away from Hogwarts and to go somewhere safe, but I kept turning him down, I wanted to finish school. He finally gave in and made sure my sister or Blaise was with me at all times.

We were gathered down in the Great Hall having diner when the news soared threw the castle that the famous Harry Potter was on school grounds. We were all rushed to our common rooms and were supposed to stay there until he was found.

“I hope they find him so this torture will be over.” A Sixth year in Slytherin said.

“I hope they find him and he kills He-Who-Must-Not- Be-Named.” A Ravenclaw sixth year argued with the Slytherin.

“I hope you go to hell.” The Slytherin said.

“Shove off.” The Ravenclaw said and walked in the opposite way.

“I don’t care who wins,” I said. “I just want this all over with.”

In the common room the older kids were gathered around the couches with a few students sitting in the floor. That’s when I saw a certain blonde haired blue eyed boy walk up to me.

“Hey Stormy.” Griffin said sitting beside me.

“Hey.” I said staring at the fire.

“You look great.” He said.

“I don’t feel great. I feel like a freaking hippo.” I groaned.

“Well, if it makes you feel any better you are a beautiful Hippo.” HE said. I glared at him

“I’m with Draco you know.”

“I figured he would have dropped you by now.” He said.

“Draco loves me.” I said. “We are going to be happy together.”

“Griffin can I talk to you for a minute.” Rainy said pulling him away.

Rainy’s POV

“What?” he asked.

“Look, I’m not going to gripe at you or anything, I need a favor.” I said. He looked and me and waited for me to continue.

“Things are going to get bad, and I don’t care how you do it, but I need you to make sure Stormy is safe.” I said. “I don’t know what I will do without her, she’s my sister and she’s there with me through everything. She is going to try and find Draco when it all starts. I want you to get her out of here; I don’t care what you to, what you say. Just get her out of here safely.”

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