~Back to Hogwarts~

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The train screeched to a halt telling us that we have once again returned to Hogwarts. Chase Jason and Mason got up and made their way off the train, Mason stopped turned around and said, "Stormy are you coming?"

"Yeah I’m coming." I said. I stood up and got my bag off the rack above me. I turned and started walk toward the door.

"Petrificus Totalus" I heard someone shout. I turned around and saw Draco Malfoy hovering over Harry Potter.

 "Malfoy what the hell are you doing?" I yelled at him, he paid no attention to me.

 "Didn’t your mother ever tell you it was rude to easdrop Potter, oh that’s right she was dead before you could whip the drool off your chin." he picked up Harry invisibility cloak, stepped on his nose and said, "As for my my father enjoy your ride back to London." he threw the cloak over Harry and grabbed his bag and walked past me. "What are you staring at Carmichael?" he asked.

"Why did you do that?" I asked running after him.

 "Why do you care?" he asked back.

"I asked you first." I said to him.

 "Because I felt like it. Now why do you care?" he said. I didn’t say anything he stopped walking at turned to look at me, "Well." he said.

 "That’s not an answer." I told him.

He dropped his bag and walked toward me, I knew he could tell I was scared because I stepped back when he got near me.

 "Why are you scared of me? You never were before." he said to me.

"You changed Malfoy." I said and looked down. I could feel him staring at me, when I looked back up at there was something in his eyes, I couldn’t really tell but he seemed so sad. He didn’t say anything so I just rolled my eyes and walked off.

I got to the Castle changed into my Slytherin robes and walked into the Great Hall, it was there where I saw one of my friends I haven’t seen since I was 10 it was my Best Friend in the entire world, we were so close we were like sisters. It was Willow Hampton.

She was sitting across from Rainy, Rainy pointed to me then I heard Willow scream and she ran toward me. I stared to run at her and we met in the middle. We were jumping up and down screaming and hugging. I could tell everyone in the Hall had their eyes on us.

 "OH MY GOD!!" I screamed.

 "ITS BEEN TO LONG!!" she screamed when I did.

 "I KNOW!!" we both screamed at the same time.

Just then Dumbledore walked in and told us all to have our seats. We walked toward our seats and Dumbledore began his speech.

 "This story is not for the faint hearted. but once ago there was a young man called Tom Riddle, but today he is known all over the world as something different."

I started to zone out and my eyes started to wonder around the Great Hall. My eyes fell on Draco Malfoy. He looked back at me but he still didn’t glare like he should have been. I saw guilt in his eyes, pain, and I could tell he wanted to tell me something but he just wouldn’t. Was he afraid?

I was in the common room talking to Jason; we were laughing and having fun. Then there was a silent’s, I was looking at the ground and out of nowhere Jason started tickling me. He knew everything about me even my ticklish spots. He was tickling my feet then my legs and my sides,

"Well aren’t you two just so cute together." we turned toward the stairs to see Malfoy standing there. He seemed more pained than ever.

"Nothings going on Malfoy we are just friends." I told him trying to convince him.

"Whatever" he mumbled then stormed out of the common room.

Draco's P.O.V

As I was walking down the stairs I could hear screams and giggling. I knew right away that it was Stormy. I walk down the stairs and see her with Jason Roberts, he was tickling her and she was lying on the couch just laughing. I always loved her laugh; I loved when I made her laugh. But knowing that he was the one making her laugh made my blood boil.

"Well aren’t you to just so cute together." I said they turned toward me Stormy's smile disappeared.

 "Nothings going on Malfoy we are just friends." She said. How was I supposed to believe that?

"Whatever.” I said and stormed out of the common room.

I went to the only place I could the Room of Requirement. I worked on the Vanishing Cabinet for a while until I was calm enough to go back to the common room and face Stormy.

I walked back to the common room not to see Stormy but her sister Rainy sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Hey Rainy, can I talk to you for a minute?" I said. She turned toward me and smiled and said,

"Sure what’s up?" I told her about everything that had happened between me and Stormy.

She understood, "Well I can tell you that Stormy does care about you more than you think she does. After that day over the summer when you left she cried all the time. It was terrible there was nothing I could do to help her; it killed me to see her like that. She wouldn’t stop saying,' I wish he never walked out like that, I hope he never comes back, I HATE Draco Malfoy.' but you could tell she was lying." Rainy paused for a moment," I think she really does love you Draco."

"I think I’m in love with her Rainy." I told her, "Well I better head off to bed goodnight Rainy." I said.

 "Goodnight Draco." I got off the couch and walked up the stairs.

Stormy's P.O.V

I heard Rainy and Malfoy talking about me downstairs I wanted to go tell them to stop talking about me behind my back but then I heard Malfoy say, "I think I’m in love with her Rainy."

I just stood there for a minute. Then I heard foot step and I ran up the stairs and into my room and jumped on my bed, I cried myself to sleep that night.

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