~Going Home~

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The next morning was the day that we board the train to go home for the holidays. I woke up, got Rainy, and Willow up and headed for the shower.

I went back into my room backed my bag, then me Rainy, and Willow headed down to breakfast. I was trying to avoid Draco as much as possible, because of what I heard last night. We ate in silence; Blaise walked over to us and said,

“Good morning ladies. Stormy, Draco is looking for you.” He sat down next to Rainy and kissed her on the cheek.

 “Really?” I asked.

 “Yeah he told me to tell you to meet him on the astronomy tower after breakfast.”

“Ok” I said, “I guess I will go find him then. Bye.” I got up and walked out of the Great Hall and made my way toward the Astronomy tower. I saw Draco standing by the railing; I walked over to him quietly and put my arms around him. I felt him stiffen and he turned around to face me.

 “Hey Stormy.” He said quietly.

“What’s wrong Draco?” I asked him.

 “Nothing.” He said and looked away. I pulled his face to mine and looked him straight in the eye.

 “I know better Draco. I know you better than most people do. Now tell me what’s wrong.” I said to him.

He took a deep breath and began, “I’m so worried about you stormy. He will kill you if you mess up even the slightest mistake and he will kill you, if not that he will severely hurt you. And it’s not just you I’m worried about its Rainy to. I don’t want you to get the mark, either one of you. He will make you do things… things that will destroy you; you will never be the same again.” He looked back at the floor.

“Draco you can’t worry about me ok. I’m going to be fine.” I said to him. “I heard you and Snape talking the other night by the way.” He looked back up at me anger in his eyes.

“You were spying on me.” He accused me.

 “Well you lied to me Draco.” I said.

“What are you talking about?” he asked.

“You said that you would come with me to Slughorn’s Christmas party and you backed out. Why Draco? It hurt ya know.” I said to him.

“I was on my way there when Filtch caught me.” He said.

“What do you mean caught you? If you were on the way to the party then you wouldn’t have been caught! What have you been doing in the room of Requirement anyway?” I asked him.

“What business us that of yours, Stormy? And I was on the way to the party but why do you care?” he said, he began to walk away.

 “Ya know I wasn’t the only one that heard you conversation with Snape that night. Someone else was there.”

He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to look at me, he glared and said, “Who else was there Stormy?” I didn’t say anything to him. He walked back over to me and yelled, “STORMY, WHO ELSE WAS THERE!?!?” I still didn’t say anything. He grabbed me and threw me against the wall and yelled again, “WHO ELSE WAS THERE!?!” a smirk came onto my lips and I said,

“What’s it to you, why do you care?” you could tell he was getting pissed by the minute.


“Yes Draco.” I said with a smile.

 “Stop playing around this isn’t a game, do you think this is funny because it’s not.” He said his eyes were losing the emotion that was left in them. The smile that was on my face disappeared. “Well?” he asked. I still didn’t say anything. He let go of me obviously he was giving up. I walked away from him and walked back to the Slytherin Common Room. I walked in to see Willow and Rainy sitting on the couch they jumped up when they saw it was me and said,

 “Finally where the hell have you been?”

“I was with Draco, duh.” I said.

 “Oh, yeah. Well then we had better head for the train it is going to be leaving soon.

Willow Rainy and I got a compartment to ourselves and the conversation began, “So Stormy how are things between you and Draco?” Willow asked.

“Ok I guess, everything is…..interesting.” I said. “

Oh ok.” She said.

 “Why do you wanna know?” I asked.

 “Because someone has a crush on one of your friends.” Rainy said.

“Oh really? Which one? Jason? Chase? Or Mason?” I asked.

“Well let’s try Jason.” Rainy said. I looked over and saw Willow start to blush when Rainy told me that she liked Jason.

“Awww that’s so cute.”

Willow blushed again and said, “It’s not like he would even date me.”

 “Oh bull I have been friends with the Roberts brothers since I moved here, I know everything about the twins, and their younger brother, Jason isn’t like the other two he doesn’t care what people thing about him and he’s really sweet.”

“So that doesn’t mean he likes me.” Willow said.

“Well you know there is only one way to find out.” I told her and stood up, “I will be back in a while.” I walked out of the compartment and went to find Jason.

I found Jason in a compartment by himself, but the bad thing is that he was in the compartment across from Draco’s. I slid open the door to Jason’s compartment and stepped in, I closed the door back and said, “We need to talk Jason.”

“Ok” he said and sat up so I could take the seat next to him, “So, what’s up?” he asked.

“Well since you asked, I have this friend that likes you but she is afraid that you don’t feel the same way.” I told him.

 “Oh, well does this ‘friend’ have purple, blonde and black hair?” he asked.

“So you do like her?” I asked. I saw him look down and blush a little. “Oh my God you do.” I said. He nodded his head, “Well go talk to her.” I said.

“Ok ok.” He said and got up and walked out of the compartment.

We got to the train station not long after that. I went to find Rainy and Willow, so we could go home, all I wanted to do was be at home chilling in the indoor hot tub or relaxing in the heated pool, have fun with my sisters and Willow, and my parents. I saw my parents with Draco, Rainy, Candy and Willow.

“Ah dear it’s so good to see you.” My mom said giving me a hug.

“It’s good to see you too mom.” I said to her. Candy jumped into my arms and gave me a big hug. “Umm.. Draco where are your parents shouldn’t you be with them?” I asked.

My father stepped in and said, “Oh, Draco will be spending the holidays with us. Mrs. Malfoy will be joining us later on this month.” I nodded my head and we all headed back to the house.

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