~Star Winslow~

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*Two Days Later*

I was with Draco when the door bell rang; I grabbed Draco’s hand and pulled him out of the bedroom with me.

“I don’t want to meet her though.” Draco whined as we walked down the stairs and into the foyer, Rainy was standing with Blaise on her right, Blaise’s mom was next to Blaise and Willow, Mom and Mrs. Malfoy was on the other side of Rainy. In front of them stood Charles and the girl I assumed was Star.

Charles looked as good as the first time I saw him, his brown hair was spiked up in the front, his blue eyes were sparkling, and a smile was spread across his lips. He wore a light blue button up shirt, dark jeans, and black converse. He looked up at me and waved. I waved back and he walked over to me and Draco.

“Stormy, it’s good to see you again.” He said wrapping his arms around my waist. I put my arms around his neck.

“It’s good to see you too Charles.” I said. Once we pulled away he gave a slight nod to Draco and looked back at me. Willow walked over to us pulling Star along with her. Star was a tall girl with long blonde hair that went down to her shoulders. She had deep blue eyes, with a hint of grey in them, she was wearing a dark purple top, you could tell it was too tight, the way it stuck to her chest and stomach; she had on a short white mini skirt, and white heels.

“’Ello.” She said, the accent was heavy you could easily point out that she was French.

“Stormy Draco this is Star Winslow, Star this is your date, Draco Malfoy, and the maid of honor, Stormy Carmichael, Rainy’s sister.” Willow said introducing us. Star walked over to Draco and kissed him on both cheeks before turning to me holding her hand out. If she thought I was going to shake her hand she was nuts. She looked stupid with her out stretched hand; I gave her a look that meant I wasn’t going to touch her now or ever.

She let her hand drop after she got the point, and crossed her arms.

“Well why don’t you children go on into the living room and talk and get to know each other and we will talk later.” My mom said. I sighed and let Draco pull me into the living room. Charles and I sat on the couch across from Star and Draco, Willow sat in one of the two arm chairs in the room, while Blaise sat in the other with Rainy sitting on the arm.

“So, Rainy you are getting married?” Charles said. Rainy nodded her head, “I thought Stormy would have been first.” He continued.

“Nope, things changed.” I said glancing at Draco out of the corner of my eye.

“Oh.” He said, everything was silent from now on. I looked from Star to Draco, and noticed they were talking quietly laughing every now and then. At first I didn’t mind, then she moved closer to him and he didn’t seem to mind. Then it got annoying, like her laugh was taunting me, I stood up and looked at Rainy nodding my head toward the kitchen. She got up and followed me with Willow in tow behind her.

“What’s wrong, Stormy?” Rainy asked.

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