~Sweet Sixteen~

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I ran down to the common room to find Rainy and Blaise having there Saturday morning make-out session. I cleared my throat. They glanced up and looked at me.

 "Uh hey Stormy." Rainy said.

"Hey, Happy birthday Rainy." I said.

 "Oh thanks. Happy Birthday to you too sis." she said.

 "So have you guys seen Draco?" I asked.

"Oh I think he is in his room." Blaise said.

 "Ok bye." I said and disappeared. I walked into Draco's room to see he was asleep and shirtless. I hoped to God that he wasn’t sleeping in the nude. I walked over to his window and pulled open the curtains. He moaned and rolled over in bed. I walked over to the bed and jumped up and down singing 'my first kiss' by 3Oh!3 and Ke$ha. He hates that song with a fiery passion. I saw him start to wake up so I jumped to the floor and hid at the foot of his bed.

He sat up and said, "Bloody hell what’s going on?" I giggled to myself he must have heard me because he asked," Who's there?''

 I popped up from the floor and shouted "BOO!" he jumped.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked me.

"Geez I just wanted to have some fun." I said.

 "Well that was mean." he said to me.

"Well Mr. Malfoy you haven’t been very nice yourself." I said to him, "But really though I need to talk to you." I told him.

 "Ok" he said I sat down on the bed next to him and looked him in the eyes

 "Look I don’t care how you feel but I can’t keep this feelings inside me any longer." I looked at the floor." Draco I love you." I said to him looking back at his face. His face was unreadable.

"Stormy I need to admit something to you. I-"

"you think I was stupid for coming up here to tell you how I feel when you certainly don’t feel the same way." I got up and started to walk to the door. I turned around said," and you think I should just get over it because you have already told me you don’t care about me." I said and started to open the door.

Draco grabbed my arm and pulled me to him, "Just shut up and listen. I love you Stormy Carmichael, I have since the day I met you. I said those things this summer to keep you safe and it just made you hurt more. I’m so sorry for hurting you all this time." He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear and continued."I..I-I love you Stormy so much. I always have and I always will." He crashed his lips onto mine.

I put my arms around Draco's neck, one of his hands slid down to my waist and he pushed me against the wall kissing me harder. He bit my lip asking for entrance. I opened my mouth, and his tongue roamed my mouth. The kiss seemed to last forever but not long enough. Someone opened the door and two voices shouted,

"OH MY GOD!!" I noticed the voices of Rainy and Willow.

We broke apart I knew I was blushing.

"It's about damn time." Rainy said to us.

 "I know Rainy. What do you want?" I asked her.

 "Oh uh, are you ready to go celebrate your 16th Birthday with me and our friends or do you want me to go have all the fun and you stay here making out with Draco."

"Rain it looked like she's was having fun before we walked in." I rolled my eyes and said,

" I will be down in a minute."

 "Ok" they said and left.

"You should probably go." Draco said.

"I will if you come with me." I told him.

"Do I have to?'' he groaned.

 "Yes. If you loved me at all."

"I have always loved you and I’m not going to stop." he said kissing again.

"So does that mean you will come?" I asked him.

"Yes." he said.

I waited for Malfoy to get ready I was lying on his bed looking through a magazine when he walked out of the bathroom. He climbed on top of me and said,

"Are you sure you don’t wanna stay here?"

"But what would we do all day?" I asked with a smirk.

 "Oh I’m sure we could find a few things to do." he said smirking.

"Like?'' I asked he leaded down and kissed me again. I threw the magazine I was reading in the floor and kissed Draco. We were just making out when yet again someone interrupted us,

 "OMG can you two not pull yourselves away from each other for like two hours?" yet again it was Rainy.

"We are coming." I said to her as I pushed Draco off of me. I grabbed my jacket and bag from Rainy and I followed her down the stairs. Draco and I walked behind Blaise and Rainy as we made our way to our party at 'The Three Broomsticks' me and Draco were holding hands and randomly giggling at moments.

We got to the party and we had a blast there was music playing and everyone was dancing Rainy gave me the lyrics to one of my favorite songs that was framed and would change words every so often the song is 'If I Die Young'.

It was a good birthday that night I fell asleep in the arms of the only guy I have ever truly loved Draco Malfoy. I wanted to fall asleep every night with his face in my head and I wanted his face to be the first one I saw in the morning.

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