~First Day Back~

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I woke up that morning and for some reason I was happy. Yeah I remembered what happened last night I can still remember everything that Malfoy had said, but hey come on its not like he meant it he probably knew I was there listening to everything he said. But some part of me knew that he meant what he said last night.

"Good Morning Sleeping Beauty." Willow said happily.

"Good morning." I said as I sat up and stretched.

"So should you get up and get ready for the 1st day of class." I noticed that she was wearing her robes and was ready to go down and eat.

"Uh yeah give me a minute." I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, my hair and put on my outfit for the day.

I walked out of the bathroom, I didn’t see Willow anywhere so I walked down to the common room and saw her, Rainy sitting on Blaise's lap, and Malfoy fighting with Jason.

"Yeah well it’s your fault she's so unhappy. You’re the one that broke her heart not me. No wonder she would rather be with me." Jason said.

 "Hey, guys what’s going on?" I said. Jason and Malfoy stopped fighting and the both looked at me the feeling just left his eyes and he said, "You stupid boyfriend is saying shit."

"He's not my boyfriend Malfoy we are just friends. You would know that if you paid attention to what is right in front of your face." he just looked at the floor. "Come on Willow, Rainy, Jason. I don’t want to stay here any longer." I said. They followed me out of the common room.
We ate breakfast in the Great Hall. There was no sign of Malfoy at all during breakfast. The bell rung and we walked to Potions. We walked the long way to class making sure we were late for class.

They bell rung again and we started to run through the halls getting to class before Snape noticed we weren’t there. We got to class and I walked through the door first to see our professor. But it wasn’t Snape. it was a new guy.

"Ah it’s nice for you show to class. I am Professor Slughorn, the new Potions teacher." Said the guy.

"Sorry dude we had things to do." Jason said winking at me. I felt myself blush and I saw Malfoy’s eyes go wide.

Slughorn told us what we were doing we all took our seats at the tables and began to work on the potion. I was across from Malfoy and I felt him glaring at me the whole time. when I finally got the courage I looked up and said,

"Why do you keep glaring at me."

he glared and me and said, "I knew you and the Roberts guy had something going on."

I glared back, "WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!" I yelled and grabbed my back and stormed out of the room.

I felt eyes on me as I walked away but I didn’t care. I was roaming the halls and I found myself heading outside to the grounds. I went and sat by the Black Lake by a tree and just looked out over the lake.

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