Chapter 2: Choosing a side

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Sora woke up with a jolt, why are human bodies so drowsy when waking up. In fact, Sora promptly fell off the couch when he woke up, that's how jolted he was when he woke up. Sora heard Trent laughing at him from up above and promptly showed his middle finger, Trent said it was offensive, so Sora thought it was a great time to use it.

"Wake up, let's go for a drive. You look like shit." You look like shit on the daily, what of it? "Ugghhhhhgghhhghggggg." Sora let out the most done with life groan ever, prompting Trent to snort. "Let's go, you big baby." Trent said, and picked Sora up like Sora did when he was drunk. Trent carried Sora out of the house and out him in the Jeep Wrangler, which was perfectly fine.

Sora was set down and Skyhawk disabled his holoform. Skyhawk revved his engine grumpily, prompting Trent to laugh at his grouchyness. "Not a morning bot?" Skyhawk revved his engine in response, not bothering to answer. Never sleep in holoform ever again, noted. Skyhawk didn't feel energized, at all. Skyhawk drove out of the driveway and Trent hopped into his driver seat and Skyhawk grumbled, but didn't do anything about it.

Skyhawk and Trent drove around the town- or city, Skyhawk can't really tell the difference, for a bit before Trent spotted one of his friends. "Sky, stop here." Skyhawk instantly stopped, because of the nickname Trent gave him. Sky? Skyhawk would have preferred Hawk, but that's nice too. Trent got out of the car and ran over to his friends, prompting Sora to appear so it didn't seem suspicious when Skyhawk drove off. Skyhawk had Sora summoned for a while before he disappeared.

Skyhawk drove for a while until he literally saw Sam do a whole front flip off something Trent called a bicycle. That looked like it hurt, in front of the female's too, that blow to his pride must be terrible. Skyhawk drove after Sam and Bumblebee, but had a police car rudely drive in front of him. Skyhawk froze for a second before keeping a bit of pace, Skyhawk wanted to guess that was Barricade and leave, but making sure a human didn't die was also important.

Skyhawk drove in some sort of abandoned building, just in time to see Bumblebee driving out. The two would have had an optic contest, but Skyhawk had a human to make sure didn't die. "I've had the worse day ever!" That's debatable, but keep going, maybe Barricade will have mercy. "I've been followed here on my mother's bike, right!?" Why does your mother have a bike? Isn't she, you know, old? Well, information is from Trent, but still. "My car is right there," Sam points to Bumblebee, who was also watching this shit. "And it's been following me here." You for real Bumblebee?

Skyhawk moves his mirror to look at Bumblebee, who moved his mirror inward to not look at him. "So-so get out of the car." Keep tapping his bumper and all you'll get is flattened. Skyhawk was right, as Barricade proceeded to rev his engine and drive forward, scaring the shit out of Sam. Now Barricade is just teasing the boy, poor Sam, funny as hell though. Barricade then sort of ejects his optics in his alt-mode, he's scanning Sam for recognition, why? After Barricade scans Sam, scaring the poor male some more, the optics went back into their socket.

After, not even a Nano-klik, Barricade transformed. By the Allspark, he is still as terrifying as ever. Barricade, somehow, roars at Sam and Sam screeches and runs for his life. Barricade chases after Sam and Skyhawk chases after them, because their getting too far for him to see more hear. After a chase of Cat and Mouse, Barricade hits Sam, which propels him into a car. Skyhawk just knows that had to hurt. "Are you username ladiesman217!?" Skyhawk almost burst out laughing. Ladies means female, man is male, so Sam has a username of femalemaletwo-hundred and seventeen.

"I don't know what your talking about!" Sam, for your life, tell the truth. "Are you username ladiesman217!?" Barricade doesn't buy it and asks or yells at Sam again. "Yeah." There you go Sam, tell the truth. "Where is the eBay item 21153, where are the glasses!?" Wait a damn minute, the glasses, as in Sam's great-great-grandfather's glasses? Shiiittt. Barricade's patience runs out and Sam runs off the car they were harassing, which Barricade promptly turns over and throws. Minus well give the boy some time.

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