Chapter 18: Creator Destruction

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Skyhawk watched as the Scrapers welcomed back Blueberry, he remembered that one, actually. However, he needed to find out if the ship for the Autobots was ready. Which was why he was out here in the first place. He needed to figure out if the ship was ready, because he kind of had a self thought about leaving the Autobots on Earth with zero way to leave whatsoever. Prime would beat his aft, if he was here anyways. Skyhawk wonders over to the part of the ship where the ship was being built, they had to move it onto the ship because they couldn't just stay in one place and wait to catch some bullets by the government.

They needed to plan, to figure stuff out for a moment before they started to finally come back to Earth fully, as a faction. Though, they aren't staying long, they just need to figure out what the slag is happening and fix it up and leave. His processor wonders to if Optimus actually did make it to their creators, and if he actually did beat them. Skyhawk wonders if the creators are everyone's creators, he wonders if they created Cybertron. No, they would be more well-known than that. They probably only created knights, as the Allspark had told him. That's another thing that might be a problem in the future.

The Allspark hasn't stopped growing in power since it's destruction, and its like he can't hide it anymore. Victoria herself had told him that the Allspark energy might grow too strong for his frame to handle it, however, his frame might grow more powerful due to the energy. She told him that she could feel his energy before he even walked into the medical office, and it will grow more as of late. That wouldn't be such a problem, if it wasn't for NAILs. Non-Aligned Indigenous Life-forms, Cybertronians that are neutral in this war. Now, you might think, 'Skyhawk, why didn't you join NAILs if you didn't want to be in the war'?

Well, NAILs hadn't been formed when he left Cybertron, but by the time he found out about it, he had no way to contact them whatsoever. Also, Skyhawk didn't like other bots whatsoever, so that was a very much nope. Skyhawk was passing by the medical office and thought 'why not'? He stopped as soon as he walked in, seeing Victoria sitting in Cherrybomb's lap, the scientist's arms wrapped around the medic's waist as they both had their optics closed. "Is this a thing now?" Skyhawk didn't even finish his sentence before Victoria practically leaped five feet into the air.

"We were going to tell you! I promise!" Panic was evident in Victoria's EM field, it made Skyhawk tilt his helm. "Okay." Was the non-chalant response, it made both the femme's pause. "You're not....mad?" Cherrybomb asked carefully, to which Skyhawk shook his helm. "Why would I care? It's not really my problem," Skyhawk then paused for a moment before adding, "unless it was someone who would violate your mental or physical health, then I would refuse." Skyhawk finished, and both the femme's sagged in relief. "I told you it was fine, angel." Cherrybomb chuckled, to which Victoria glared at her from the corner of her optic.

"I knew it was going to be okay, I was just worried how he would react, mon seul et unique amour." Skyhawk's translator worked to translate that, to which it gave him 'my one and only love'. Skyhawk scoffed, his EM field radiating distaste. "Let me leave before you two start getting lovey dovey." Skyhawk playfully rolled his optics, his EM field radiating playfulness, to which he saw Victoria smile gently. Skyhawk walked out of the medical ward and he could practically feel Cherrybomb singing the cheesy petnames. Skyhawk sighed and walked back over to the area where the soon-to-be Autobot ship resides.

To his surprise, he saw a human, oddly dressed nice, just sitting on the ground. "Are you lost, little one?" Skyhawk snorted as he leaned down and saw the human look up at him with wide but distant eyes. Skyhawk has never seen such a distant look in a human's eyes, it disturbed him. Skyhawk snapped away his visor as his chassis started to burn with fire when his helm was redirected towards a wall. The wall burned for a short amount of time, as Skyhawk didn't want to let out too much fire. Skyhawk grabbed the tail that moved his helm and was met with a hiss. He looked and saw Cecil glowering at him, a snarl halfway onto her face-plates.

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