Chapter 16: The Last Knight

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Blueberry, yes she knows you guys missed her, softly whirred as she layed in a small cuddle pile with the baby Dinobots. Grimlock hadn't really said so, but she had taken the privilege of being their carrier until they grown up. If you didn't know, she had been left on Earth, not on accident though. She purposefully hid herself away when everyone was leaving so that she could stay. It's been a good five years, which is actually saying something, as they've been in a literal junkyard. The Dinobot babies have been really good, more good than their parents could ever be.

She's been teaching them mischievous stuff, while also teaching them both Scraper and human etiquette. Teaching them to behave, but also how to defend themselves against larger enemies; she taught them to be ankle biters. And you know what their favorite offtime is? Annoying the bigger bots, especially Drift and Crosshairs. Blueberry can hardly count with the Dinobots as counters how many times they've gotten attacked by the two mech's after a prank. However, they have to behave when Cade is around because he's the boss and stuff. However, they absolutely love to annoy the little human too.

They love jumping from nowhere and watching the human jump in fright, almost makes it worth it when one of the mech's shoot at them for that. She's also getting along great with Bumblebee, he rubs near her audials and she nearly melts into his servo. While she has missed her duo, a male, black Dirt bike Scraper named Blackberry, she's pretty sure he's better off. He always liked sticking close to the hive, and she didn't, it was a wonder how they were duos. At the moment, Bumblebee, Hound, and Cade went off somewhere because of Cybertronian stuff she has no care for.

Suddenly, Blueberry lurches up, scaring her bab- the Dinobot babies. They whimper and whine and try to get her to lay back down with their nuzzling bodies, some of the Grimlock babies even helmbutting her pedes. She snorts softly at their neediness and lays down like a cat, but she doesn't put her helm down. It was good enough for them, as they started piling again, purring and nuzzling into her. It's a wonder how their parents are the fierce and almighty Dinobots. Actually, as far as the little ones know, she might as well be their parent. She huffs at the thought, making some of the babies near her chassis whine and nuzzle farther into her.

She huffs and looks up as she notices Drift meditating on his sword, how flexible and gravity-defying that bot is. Blueberry then gained a smirk on her face and gently nudged the babies exactly on top of her with her Enstril. They whined and a baby T-Rex had it's pede clawing up at the air rapidly, she assumed it was because it was chasing something in it's dream. She softly huffed and nudged the babies again until they lazily woke up and started yawning, or something very similar to it. She then slowly got up, and despite moving the babies that were directly on her, some were still moved by her movements.

She shook her frame like a canine would and yawned herself before her intake snapped close with a metallic clink. She hissed softly over to a baby pteradon and nodded her helm over to Drift and the baby seemed to get the picture and flew over to him. Blueberry heard multiple whined and chuffed over to the babies and nodded her helm over to Drift, but most of them stayed in the little hide-y hole she made for them, it was under a piece of scrap metal that was big enough for a being of her size to fit through. She's pretty sure it could be a nest, but she calls it a burrow, as it is basically a hole covered by scrap.

As Blueberry stalks quietly over to where Drift meditates, she passed Crosshairs on a hovership over something. She has no idea if it was actually his or if he stole it or where he got it from, but she didn't care at the moment. All she knew was that she was going to steal it sooner or later. She gave him a glance and he shook his helm at her, knowing that she was going to bother Drift. It was basically routine, though, the only reason they haven't scrapped her yet was because it keeps them on their toes at all times. "No fear, no hate." She hears Drift mumble in his meditation, causing her to snort. Hypocrite.

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