Chapter 7: Dark of the Moon

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It was quiet in the Birds of Prey headquarters, and by headquarters, Silversilk means the warehouse they claimed when no one was looking. They had fixed it up, making it look brand new, she even got that command module she always wanted. Silversilk had also grown new....attachments. Along with her six arms, she had grown eight spider legs that she can fold along her back and unfold to present. Also her plating had grown a secondary color other than a pale white, a teal blue.

The teal blue was mostly on the tip on her spider leg claws, the sharp appendages most likely used for stabbing than what she actually uses them for. In the hour she had grown them, she found out she can extract wires from the tip, which she uses in the command module. She basically attaches herself to the mainframe, browsing the internet and finding out information no one would even think she knew.

It also means she loses track of time easily, and it isn't easy to fight off her sire when he tries to get her to recharge after three days of being attached to the mainframe non-stop. She also frequently checks in on the government, making sure no shinanigans aren't happening. She doesn't do it too frequently though, lest they find out and bad things happen.

The teal blue also comes in a streak down her bipedalism cord, along with the sharp spines that grew from her spine, making her bipedalism cord seem more spiky. She often compares herself to a hedgehog in that sense, the spines raise and lower, depending on her mood and if she wants them to. She can raise them to look more intimidating, but it doesn't help that she is one of the smallest ones, bigger than Insect, and the sparklings, and Talon, but smaller than Dispensor. Speaking of the four armed bot, he had gotten a bit bigger too.

Still smaller than Cherrybomb, but he's getting there, perhaps bigger than Bumblebee. Well, her main body is smaller than him anyways. When she unfolds her spider legs, she can even be bigger than Frostbreaker, that's how big her legs are. It also means she can't fold them well, without falling down due to their weight. But she got the hang of it after a few tries, she just can't fold them on top of each other too much, less she fall, so she has to fold them vertically and horizontally.

Like two equal signs folded on each other, but one is vertical, that's how her back looks most of the time. She has to fold them so the tips are at the center, so she doesn't accidentally stab someone if she bumps into them, that was only one time and Cherrybomb keeps bringing it up. There's another thing she grew too, her venom! It, sadly, isn't acidic, like her sire first thought. But, it is paralyze inducing, or stasis inducing, she can't tell as she hasn't used it much.

She only found this out when her and Insect were play-wrestling, and when she bit him, he went limp and then she heard snoring. She told Skyhawk and he suspected that she grew her venom, but she could feel nervousness from the bond, so she didn't even know if he knew. She doesn't know if the tips of her spider legs could produce venom, because she is too scared to test it on someone, lest they try to hurt her upon her trying.

She knows they won't, but she can't help but listen to the tiny voice in her mind that says they will. Enough about her, she needs to talk about the others. The bikers, they started populating quickly. Upon the first month here, there were double of them, no one heard them interface either, so it was assumed that they are able to asexually reproduce.

In the first year, there were too many, so sire talked with the original blue one, and they just left? The originals left one of each of their colors, but then they started asexually reproducing, so sire needed to talk with their blue one. It then just went on for the remaining four years they have been in the headquarters, Silversilk is sure the bikers have been around the entire world, as she sees multiple articles featuring at least three or more groups of dirt bikes around the world with no riders.

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